The Summer Garden....

Jul 12, 2015 07:01

Hot! Hot! Hot;>! Some containers need Watering every day now. While it’s early for most evaluations some are DONE for the yr….
Tomatoes: ‘Berkeley Tie Dye’ wins hands down. I’ve been harvesting for a couple weeks now of tasty ‘maters. ‘Pink Bertua’ has a number of “greenies” but none have ripened. It’s performance is pretty much as it was over at Hummingbird. Good but not great. ‘Paul Robeson’ is a DUD. 9’ tall, viney and zip production. Not even aborted fruits….NONE. If nothing continues by the 1st of Aug, it gets pulled.
Eggplants: ‘Purple Fengyaun’ is fruiting and the 1st should be ready this Friday. ‘Motoya’s Blooming but not fruits and “Mystery EP” isn’t even doing that.
Hot Peppers: ‘Purple Jalapeño’ has produced 1 fruit. ‘Peruvian Red Drop’ is covered with fruits as are the Thai. None are ripe yet though.
Melons and Squash: Failures
Have been using the Okinawan and Mayan Spinaches in soups for over a month. The Lemongrass is getting big enough that starting in August limited Harvesting can begin. Probably won’t Harvest any Galangal or Turmeric this yr….
I’m so happy the cuttings of my versicolor Brugmansia not only “took” but like it here; it’s already got buds! The 3 others (Dbl cultivars in White, Pink and Salmon) are doing well but nothing yet. My Jasmine collection is doing well but other than the sambac from my old neighbor Mildred, no blooms.
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