So you've probably noticed I've posted a bit more recently, but referred comments to my
blog. Most of you probably know that I've always wanted my own space on the web, and LJ just feels too shut in and insular a lot of the time. Still, there's some stuff that won't be major-public, so that's what this place is good for.
I had some trouble putting up that film review - it posted twice, kept editing the wrong post, duplicated images... and now it's deleted itself. So I resubmitted it all and it should work fine.
I have been sick, again. I've been really sick a lot this year, I don't know why. Normally flu and cold doesn't really get me that bad, I can push through it and it's gone in a day or two but this year, it's been with me for a week or more and actually putting me totally out of action some days. I'm not one for 'man-flu', but I was actually trying to get out of bed to get a glass of water for about three hours yesterday. Then Jen came home and got one for me, and called the doctor.
My fever is gone at the moment, hopefully will stay gone, and I can move around a bit now which is good. I even managed a slice of toast earlier. Freddy is staying with his grandparents to avoid catching this, although I'm convinced he's the one who gave it to me in the first place. Hopefully, the worst of it (the temperature of 40 and the near-unconsciousness) is past and I'm on the way back to good health for at least a few more weeks. I will probably make an appointment at the doctors to discuss the constant ill-health though...