The truth is funnier than you think

May 02, 2008 23:25

So through all the drama as of late I have sat back and watched someone act more and more the fool, and apparently He thinks some things about me and this is to set it straight; at least straighter than he seems to act as of late. Yes I am a guy and yes I am in love with someone and yes I make mistakes just like everyone else. But the difference is I don't make lies up to interfere with peoples lives nor do I see more into things than there is to see. Yes I can be very dangerous to piss off, when at that point of breaking I am less concerned about the safety of others and will stop for nothing at getting to the object of my frustration. Ask around I know there are stories out there and some are actually true but I will let everyone figure thous out on their own. Hell some of the stories have nothing to do with me being pissed just doing a job. Yes I have done things that only very few, like 3-4 people, will ever know I did them, even they don't have details and that's the way it stays. Yes I also have done things that are typical to people in general like lie, steal ,and break driving laws but show me someone who has never done any of these and I will bow to there better way of life. But don't you dare presume to accuse me of anything unless you have concrete proof of my purposive actions and can show it. Yes I have done things I am sorry for but you know what its not your place nor your concern what they are and I know who your source is as I have been told so by them every time they tell you anything and what they have told you. For the final part of the truth session I would also like to state that I have never forced anyone I have ever been in a relationship to bow down and worship me nor have I ever expected that from anyone else for that matter, I was raised by women and taught how not to treat them by not only the action of my father but also from them as well, so don't ever presume to put me in those categories ever again, I have spent numerous hours with female friends and relatives who have dealt with those "situations"/relationships and have been not only the shoulder for them to cry on but the hand that is there to help them out of them as well. Yes I like every other person alive, and some dead, have insecurities and fears but unlike some, mainly you, I know exactly how to handle them. You presume to tell people I take it out on the wrong people what the fuck do you know about me, you know only what your feed and that is only what is allowed. You think your given the right information well trust me if anything is said to you it is done in a manner to make you fell safe in your delusional world you have set up around you and if your "friends" feed into it then they are just as foolish as you. So in short I guess what I am saying is go get fucked you mean nothing to me and from this point on you so much as think of me in manner I don't like....let's just say even Darth Vader would be scared of me afterwards
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