Joy's SF Books: Hidebound

Dec 31, 2017 16:18

Joy’s SF books: Hidebound

Hidebound: Not long after Anfissa meets Ferenc, a strange humanoid bodyguard, on the space cruiser, St. Catherine, she is forced to flee with him, his menacing boss, and another bodyguard in a lifeboat during an attack on the cruiser, to a planet where even the grass is deadly. What danger lurks on Snakebite? But that’s just.the beginning of Anfissa’s adventures. Travelling across the planet to find a small relay station, Fissa nearly succumbs to dehydration and insect bites until Ferenc offers her help unique to his home planet.After crashing on Snakebite, Ferenc saves Fissa’s life using an ability unique to his planet-a planet under interdiction; his other abilities made him valued as a bodyguard. Can she protect him after they’re rescued. (Contest winner twice.)

Note: Adult content.

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science fiction, space ships, e-books

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