Feb 01, 2014 16:02
We came back from New England & were very tired as it was late in the evening. I could hardly wait to hit the bed. What a shock when we went into the bedroom to see all of our wedding gifts stacked on the bed, to the ceiling. My brother-in-law (Roy) had done it. I was so mad, but had to laugh. So, we slept on the floor. That was the night I told my hubby that I wanted a baby.
We both went back to work the next day & we enjoyed the little cottage we had rented. Our cat (mine before) had kittens in the bedroom closet. They were so adorable. I had named her Velvet, she was Persian & two shades of gray. Well, the guys in drafting kept talking about Clyde the Camel, it was a popular song then & I would go home at night & call her Clyde. It stuck & that was her name until she passed away. I also was given a doxie by a co-worker who was older than I & needed to find a good home for him. His name was Maximillion! Imagine that. This dog loved chocolate, & if Ann forgot to move the chocolate from the table, somehow he would get it & roll on it. He thought he had to kill it first. The reason for that we think is that he had been stung by bees & almost died. He hated flies or anything that flew. He also loved beer & Pepsi. I never gave him beer because we don't like it, but Ann used to give him some. He was such a character. I will have to see if I cn find the picture of him wearing a gun holster that we found on the street one night when we went for a walk. He looked so dashing! Unfortunely, he had heart trouble. My youngest sister, Cathy stayed with him while we were on our honeymoon. I found out later, she would walk him up to the corner & get him ice cream. She loved him too, as she does our Cody. I had a girl's group at church at this time called Pioneer Girls & they came over for a sleep over. Of course they loved him & he loved the attention. Before we moved, that Christmas we came to Ken's Mom & Dad's place for Christmas. His Mom, Dorothy had bought red smocks for all the women to wear while we made dinner. I was prancing around & pretending I was pregnant. As it turns out, I was & didn't know it. My pregnancy went very well, but the last month which was August, it was extremely hot, so my husband took me over to his parents to stay because they had air conditioning. I was so big in front & uncomfortable. When I finally went to the hospital, the doctor came in & my water broke. I was in labor for something like 8 hours before our little black haired,little red girl arrived.She looked like an Indian. Honestly, she was so beautiful & still is today. Everyone made over her & she was a good baby.