BACKGROUND IMAGE by betadress, heromix and littlemanipuu...willl be put to my new pieces...remixes of betadress and hennadress with 303 sequencer, freebirth.....BEST stuff ev er done...ART IS CHANGING TOO...
you will see my new pieces shortly...background animation, yust a little manipulated still to add......90.layers ...
and tobe obuious../////
can't wait till you hear..///////
COME see betadress.....///remixing her stuff...///
come see betadress...she is loveli..and heromix...
remixi ng and manipulating BETADRESSes work with 8bit ...gameboy
NEW PIECES COMING TOMORROW...remix of betadress....and 303 sequencer...adding to her animation here..////putting it to..... the piece...////////
BEST pieces i have ever done...
girl in the image...the loveli savah maxwell..
image completed by semiotext (e)..:
the secret to my existence..the rabbit saves your life..
time is of no essence.../by semiotext (e)..
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thank you..toloveli sav maxwell for this photo..that i manipulated..
Photo of YONI: of.....///
horns of a rabbit.. for someone and some people i love.
be well...[
be well..
be free love youodear soopus.
love you. happy happy be free, love you're as perfect as me...
love you dear.////i love you well..
image credits..: some loveli images taken and manipulated from stomach hand, a kaufman character, and amorphedrine.
// really wanted marvin with diapers.
greatest goddess... the world has ever kn0on.... 1000000galaiexies.
and you are yust as perfect....dear rabbit...////greatest goddess the world has ever kn0.on by 100000galaxies..
you dear rbbit are yust as perfect as me
i love you perfect rabbit...
...greatest g oddess the world has ev er kn0o.n by 10000 galaxies...... you's are too...
rabbit..come visit...rabbit i ...i l0ove you.../////you are yust as perfect as me.../////
come see ..these others..////// i won't tell you who they... am b...the grestest goddess the world has everkn0o.n sit yust are you...
am b
time is waiting in the speas of senseless things..for your time reflected lie ka haw...
//let me tell you bout the way she looked the way she looked.....//the way she had to bight]....///the the color of her haire.
image of bodil above../////
getting a generator for an abandoned house for large underground autoletic networksd.monsty.s
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remixing the loveli patchwork
onsoons on themons she's hot...smosnts..erfelct
...thank you sallylov
scenes from animated film for m and s..mario sava...: containing a bunch of my artwork...and remix of sally patchwork...!
look to mario and savannah maxwell for the loveli images..! they are the lovelimostnsm.!~
next two images are from film of mario and sava...:
two loveli images of mario and sava...
to see images of me (if you are interested in that) go here...:
: in the june of 44 .... (44th and sam ) .. space irate orphan... isi s saw osiris call for the essurection of anuibi s and we knew this, mario and savva..
and an incarnation of sean.
" yustlike mario onli now known as sava, (and joy division plays will ear
aus apart.
and i found a house in orther pl;aces.
...and i sit on 44th and sam....//////////////
and o knoes the incarnation of e, the toes are yust as perfect..
(and as every individual i pass in my entire vicinty except those i am supposed to
meet.../////and neutral vortexes pick up on the entireti...//////
in the june of 44...
such that i must be 100 oerfect in alloments the oment the 9o, ionas: i09. tr(909) roland.
or the universe spins ny opposite everywhere i go, so i arrived at the home of yoni, but when i was there 8 months ago, it was not yoni, ... but an incarnation of ...(who to me them was yust like ibble, ...but was playing around and about to take my labtop, now i didn't mind ecause it was ibble, the ime of the ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....................brella!
now i kn0o.w yoni... and .......perfect perfect yoni, ...(he was out, and i really wished to find conin, ...IEEE computer music journal sat in the bathroom, .....wooden loft. ......conin there. ..........//////////// retreat, 44th and sam he says go there...
Ui. ifelike
, june of 44, the june of 44, ........//////// 1 room in the june of 44.
(and i can onli find online ..... gang of four "anthrax".../////////////// ...... ifelike ...loftus, ..loftu nervous, the true home of the rabbit
the eternal return of e.
kite patrick.
.... and nevan, ....appeared as nevan, but he was really chase 44, the nevan in the physical waas the opposite in energy, and the nevan in sound looked yust like the nevan in the physical. (would look) wood, the would.
(wood the blue of to wood the return, the would./ " a 3 or a b" a 3:44... a 3...///
but a b wood./blue and an m.////the wood. ....../////
anyway, ISIS saw osiris call for the essurection of annuibis and we knew this...(
as i sat across of from andrew, mark pugislist. . ....the )ortho et is thick.
and my perfect 0orthogonals. ....the ones that balance the perfect apan, sally patchwork is quite ifferent than. ..umi, .......///// (dylan group ...),
but ...../////
and o,
my isomophric .....omonst.s ....... ////knoes , THE TOES ARE PERFECT.! ...
the erfect .... apan, )0rthogonal orthers, perfect orthogonal babies. ,,.....perfect hold them perfectli but onli ecaus i am dealing weith the poles of opposites, (kieth a dear friend comes in .hmmmmmmmmmm...) they are saying if you are not into black african cultur e you are not fair to all beigngs, ...... (but theyse are not the paul d. millers and ....amon tobin sonics of the universe, ....///////////////////// these are not the .....
....yes, i prefer lime green to red,
i'm orthogonal i am more into gajpan (there is a reasion why the club msuc in australia ...the ime shipts, ..... austria and australia..... ( the .... ime lins..ios::ios in.. ...but AUSTRAILIA!...
dmascus! don't ask us! dummass~!
but he was into advanced reality construction research and my isomoprhisms.////
and daniel, daniel, yust like st. marcus green string theory, mark pugilist, ..../
rebuilds are stargate from the wood. ////// daniel..? ( daniel (intertexturesne()t, played with ...william parker of mathew shipp's new orbit, fl0o.w of x, minmin. (my friend daniel, an incarnation of mic, and the my god! the mkka, (verbalizer, poland, axiis, tropic and meridians, when they mic from us when they took the kuio, moscow, 2001, alex and the alex, the talex, we found it in the pocket link..." for a rocket shipt through ime and space (
moscow 2001, alex, the dikow, (alex dikow, the duckhow, john lithgow, duck how, .... be careful, the umbrella. ///// kuoi show, circa, pocket lint.!( says, sam)(in trhe yust of 44, sam, and 44th, tropics and meridians./ .... "the onli place with an outlest outlside. (but sam had her daddy with the "tokra" and i have (when they took away the kuoid, kuoi, the spaces in ransmofms, they made cupid, .."you bitch! " they took away the Ui. ifelike,
when they took away the kuoi. d
.. ....( amd made it harder to get (but now in the im shipt, ...Ui. ifelike ( timeless. ........ ifelike,
if i am as ISIS, i can create life ...( out of pure sound and in my intelligent 0os., it can creates entire string realities out of pure sound, life out of pure sound. (as I am finding the )rothogonal bool transmforms.t / tr(909) rolan
..but as the moon lint, ...I must remain alive, an y nillisecond mistake and they send mud after the fireflie )1 nillisecond mistake because you are yust that good and inversely .......///// ( money see now evil hear no evil ...( monkey turns to pig, they think ried chiekn is a colone). but i am not going to become an inapt mime china doll, for the ... (excuse me sir, i havve been looking for a room for the last hour, and in the ad it said, room at 49th and altomor, .... yet i do not see it, i see ( yust where i saw you, a room that looks like the room i saw... do you know anyone ...having a room, ? ( i can give you a room if you give me head. ) "fried chicken calone, "give me head momma! (and i willbaby and i will look for a place for you or give you a cigarrette, and i say WE ONLY STICK TO OUR OWN!
.(and of all opposed to the 0odd the god the 0o.
you are not dj spooky, you are not paul d. miller......................(and of all opposed to the 0dd the God the 0o. (of course it is onli in my dream because we need adversiti for lift, (the plane needs ...upwind == ifelike !
.... i won't give out my secrets, but i know some things thought could kill me, so i will not reference them .... for onli in calling them to reference, do those energies who don't like what i am saying (if they heard me speaking, THEY CAN ATTAACK, all that is against the 0dd the God the 0o. and ....while )( FOR THEY ARE NOT
ifelike ,
ISIS was playing and wooden heart,
and the o.
the reales0o, the rabbit lint.
toes.... o, o.
the rabb
sat while my polar opposite ..../////came to..
the return of savad.
. moon rabbit
the wood, wooden .... ///i 0o, hi Ho.
rabbit knoes rabbit oes... rabbit oe.s yust as the irefilie the toes are perfect
the lint
the rabbit.
my dear o.
are the most powerfl in the universe an a ntipe with 1000 legs may run in 0o.
entl the 0o.
my jobe is o9i.w the rabbit in yperdimonesal space... to sh0o.w the ... crust of ...// rust it omes out i hyperdimeonsional imon space.
back in a house in pawstrime reference, (they moved it, missed it two weeks ago, now it iws across the street, ...they moved the house, laugh "e moved it ...")
SIGNED, thwe rabbit...
my famili is now living in kansas (last two years moved, father believed in sacrifiing fo.//for me it is my LAB O NLY, i never go back....... (giving advancced java performance tunings seminar... 1mo./( aduio seq communiti...////in fals.
ressurection of mario and sava./
the im shipst.
im shipts./ (ime rabbit) :
eris y,(if) eris says eris see eris see heresy).
signed erin emerson,. ... (great great grat grand uncle == ralph waldo emerson) (3)
born, 3/22/78, equinox, a 2, sat. may, 23, 3:22 am. (let's celebrate..onli for the ism hsipst, iso::ios in./
balibali bees....billi bees drinking puptible teas for psychobilli
bove betters for little orbits of billitrees...
.....'you're so ..cute.....worrynever"
loveli lees....
canisters of promolgamaeted, sexy entomologists drinking mimmi cans ofsemmiotiddi, sights of mechanicanical mechanical avunculogratulation
gesso babies delight...cryeegenic,noeticisight...gesso babies delight...cryeegenic,noeticisight...
mechanical avuncolugratulation=build machines for greeting uncles..
rereading "my cousin, my gastroentrologist.."
ibbiti bibbiti pight..
pyes blinking
corpuscibble igits of tibbi tibbi tak s..
porrogulaeted gesso babies in flight..[ itotonic cooing babies, bidi]
onecombinuous membranous wax:
beedibeedi..babies licking gesso promolgamies of canned mimies
.immnaetbiddleiddleiddle nmeumoni nmeumoni aordic..bidi corpuscuouls nmemonic spaces.corpuscuouls=
.corpuscible igits of wellness by ~nmeumoni-nmeumoni
"balibali bees....billi bees drinking puptible teas for psychobilli bove betters for little orbits of billitrees... .....'you're so ..cute.....worrynever"
loveli lees.... . []------------- canisters of promolgamaeted, sexy entomologists drinking mimmi cans ofsemmiotiddi, sights of mechanicanical mechanical avunculogratulation
gesso babies delight...cryeegenic,noeticisight...gesso babies delight...cryeegenic,noeticisight...
mechanical avuncolugratulation=build machines for greeting uncles.. rereading "my cousin, my gastroentrologist.."
ibbiti b"
"balibali bees....billi bees drinking puptible teas for psychobilli bove betters for little orbits of billitrees... .....'you're so ..cute.....worrynever"
loveli lees.... . []------------- canisters of promolgamaeted, sexy entomologists drinking mimmi cans ofsemmiotiddi, sights of mechanicanical mechanical avunculogratulation
gesso babies delight...cryeegenic,noeticisight...gesso babies delight...cryeegenic,noeticisight...
mechanical avuncolugratulation=build machines for greeting uncles.. rereading "my cousin, my gastroentrologist.."
ibbiti b"
peripherial and punctuous starry and unctuous....
writ to a lampaed ear...
kneesocks and newsprint [letter from 2096]....
...'mascurade thesaurus'
toursaery gesso babies on porrogaeted cisscionwax drink delight!
gesso babies delight...cryeegenic,noeticisight...
pyes blinking
o babi spire: ancient .architectures [old journal IIyears ago:
for yu.... ireflile.
from erfetct erfectsd ( o )...
all a matter of indirection....// ( o )0ovemonst.omenssmt voemonsts/ ....the real rabbit rabbit is
never large..yumons through any imeline..////
eats the fourleaf clover..//
the realrabbit: romt the rmonst 0o9ov.esmonst ( o)f.. too rivate...shoulst i seomtheromsnt? ( o) (my ..favoruite..eingerhismonst. onstm monst. 0o 0o )voemonst.
emonstmonst (RIVATE!
( o)
l" />