for my puture time line.[]

Nov 11, 2011 05:43


.canisters of promolgamaeted, sexy entomologists drinking mimmi cans
ofsemmiotiddi, sights of mechanicanical mechanical avunculogratulation

gesso babies delight...cryeegenic,noeticisight...gesso babies delight...cryeegenic,noeticisight...

mechanical avuncolugratulation=build machines for greeting uncles..
rereading "my cousin, my gastroentrologist.."

[I lov it so much i could just di! fuck you!..]

ibbiti bibbiti pight..

pyes blinking

corpuscibble igits of ibbit hibit ormaetion....

porrogulaeted gesso babies in flight..[ itotonic cooing babies, bidi]
onecombinuous membranous wax:
beedibeedi..babies licking gesso promolgamies of canned mimies

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