The Gathering, Chapter 67 - Christmas Morning 4 of 5

Dec 24, 2011 00:21

Title: The Gathering
Rating: Adults Only (NC-17)
Characters: Brian, Justin, and other canon characters
Genre: Fanfiction, Humor
Warnings: None
Timeline: Future - More than 1 year after episode 513


When Debbie and Carl have their first real date In QAF Episode 214, Carl showed Debbie pictures of his daughter, Vicki, who lives in Salt Lake City, and his son, Carl Jr., who was in the Air Force. I kept waiting for an episode where Carl’s family would actually appear. It never happened, so here’s my version of what happened when Carl’s adult children and their families come to Pittsburgh to meet Debbie and the gang. This is the first Christmas after Brian and Justin legalized their relationship, and they are now living in New York City. Ben and Michael are estranged…with Ben and Hunter living in an apartment and Michael living alone in the house. This story was intended to be a standalone story. This is just a little holiday fluff, but it takes me a while to tell a simple story, so I will update frequently.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Lois, Kathy, and Shadownyc…thanks for the beta…you’re the greatest!

Previous Chapters

Author’s Comments : I don’t think I’ll be able to get another chapter posted before Christmas, so let me take a moment and wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Just so you know, I’m going to continuing this story until I’m sent off on assignment. At the moment, nothing is scheduled, so cross your fingers. (smile) Here is next installment of one chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 67 - Christmas Morning, Part 4 of 5
Christmas Day, December 25th

At Michael’s House

Michael managed to get everyone settled down at the kitchen table.

Juice and cereal were agreed upon for the morning’s breakfast.

JR and Hunter made sure it was the world’s fastest breakfast in history. They were the first ones to finish eating, and the first to scurry towards the Christmas tree.

JR easily spotted the presents under the tree. These were the easiest for her to reach. Still she waited for Hunter to help her handle them.

Ben and Michael allowed JR and Hunter to clutch each of the packages and attempt to guess their contents. That was as far as the pair could go, for Ben had laid down that law that nothing was to be opened until Lindsay and Melanie arrived.

Ben and Michael cleared off the table and loaded the dishwasher. But they kept an eye on their kids just to be sure that no packages were “accidentally” opened.

Then the door bell rang.

Hunter and JR tried to race each other to see who could get to the door first. JR won the race because Ben picked her up as he went to see who was actually at their door.

Lindsay and Melanie had finally arrived. Even Hunter was glad to see them. Now, the official opening of the Christmas presents could begin.

“Can I fix you breakfast?” Michael offered.

“I could sure use a bite,” Lindsay said, but she looked at the waiting faces. “On second thought, a glass of juice would hold me until the presents are opened.”

Melanie decided to join Lindsay in a glass of juice. “Debbie and Carl where just getting ready to fix breakfast, when they got a call to go watch their grandkids open their Christmas gifts. We got your call right afterwards. We didn’t take time to prepare a proper breakfast, but we came right over here instead.”

“It’s Christmas. I’ll make you a more substantial breakfast…once JR opens her presents,” Michael assured the women.

Lindsay and Melanie nodded their agreement.

Once Lindsay and Melanie had finished their juice, Hunter assumed directorial duties. With his usual attitude, he directed them to just the right chairs in the living room, so they wouldn’t miss any of the package opening adventure to come.

Michael and Ben sat on cushions on the floor.

Hunter helped JR to look over her presents. Then he helped her decide which one to open first.

Obviously, she selected the biggest one.

JR gave Hunter that certain look that showed she needed help.

Hunter proved to be the world’s best big brother, as he helped her tear into her first present.

Then Melanie and Michael slid closer to help with the opening of the remaining packages.

JR was fascinated by the games and toys, but her new doll was definitely the biggest hit of all.

Then JR insisted that it was time for Michael to open his presents.

Michael repeated the ritual of checking all the packages with his name on them. He was thrilled with all his gifts. But his best present was the simple fact that Ben and Hunter were there to share Christmas morning with him and JR. Christmas morning seemed to be filled with family.

Hunter was the next to open his packages to the usual oohs and aahs. He found the special electronics gadgets he was wishing for from Santa.

Then, Hunter and JR handed Ben his first package.

After Ben opened it, he was surprised to find that there were other packages here with his name on them among the mix of presents under the tree. He opened each gift and showed them to everyone before he replaced it under the tree.

Hunter had one more package for Michael that he’d hidden towards the back under the tree. He decided now was the perfect time to give him that gift.

Michael quickly tore the wrapping paper from the package with the help of JR. To Michael’s surprise, it was the sweatshirt he’d wanted from the Big Q. The one showing Superman carrying the Christmas tree…the one he’d been talked out of by Gretchen, who demanded he choose one with more glitter.

Michael was touched to have this special sweatshirt with one of his favorite superheroes. “I think I’ll wear this to dinner at Brian’s.”

“Are you sure?” Lindsay asked.

“I thought we were dressing up for dinner,” Melanie added.

“We’re only going out to the mansion for dinner,” Hunter reminded everyone. “But no one said there was a dress code. Of course, knowing the blond, I can promise you no one will be dressed up.”

“You know, Brian loves an excuse to dress in one of his designer suits. What makes you think that Justin will overrule that?” Lindsay argued.

“Brian may wear a suit, but I bet you Justin and Gus will be dress casually,” Melanie suggested.

“This is still a family dinner,” Ben reminded them with a laugh. “And this family has never stood on formalities.”

“I can’t believe Brian agreed to this,” Michael said. “He’s not real big on Christmas. And did you see him playing with the trains with Gus?”

“Gus and Justin have probably coaxed even Brian to accept Christmas. You have to admit they seemed quite happy the last time we saw them.” Ben added.

“This family has grown over the years,” Michael added. “We put the star on top of the tree, like Uncle Vic would have wanted. I miss him. I wish he were here.”

Melanie smiled. “I have to believe Vic wouldn’t miss a gathering like this one…not with all these new people. I have to believe, he’ll be spending Christmas with all of us, just like he always has.”

“Oh yes. He’ll definitely be here.” Lindsay reassured them.

“Vic was special,” Ben added. “He would have been the one doing most of the cooking for Christmas. And he would have loved getting to know Philip and CJ and their families.”

“And now, Philip and CJ and their families are part of us,” Lindsay said with some caution as she looked over at Michael.

Michael nodded. “Even if Philip and CJ are a little weird…”

“Believe me. Every family is entitled to a few weird members. Remember my sister, Lynette?” Lindsay added.

Everyone laughed. Then there was a bit of reminiscing about the past between Melanie, Lindsay, and Michael, while Hunter and Ben kept looking at each other and laughing at what was being said.

Even though JR might not have understood everything, she managed to laugh too.

Ben looked down and saw that JR had climbed into his lap and was now making herself quite comfortable. “You know last night was really interesting,” he began as he looked down at JR getting settled.

“What happened? Were you uncomfortable on the couch?” Concern rose in Michael’s voice.

“No. Not at all. Remember, we selected this couch for its comfort. But, it’s a good thing I was here, sleeping on the couch, or I would have missed all the excitement last night.” Ben continued.

“What excitement?” Hunter was curious even though he was supposed to be above interest in such things. But this was Ben, and he didn’t gossip. So, anything he had to say was going to be fascinating and probably important.

“You see…I was awakened last night when Santa Claus and his elf dropped by to deliver presents.”

“You were?” JR looked up into Ben’s eyes. She had to hear more about this.

“They came in with lots of presents.”

“Did they have their hot chocolate and cookies?” Hunter asked already caught up in the telling.

“Absolutely! I couldn’t let them go off without hot chocolate and cookies. After all, they had a lot of homes to visit, and they had a long way to travel back to the North Pole.”

“So, you actually saw Santa Claus?” Hunter was now forced to ask, shaking his head.

“I sure did.” Ben remarked wistfully. “You know when I was a little kid, I used to try to stay up late on Christmas Eve to wait for Santa Claus, but I always fell asleep. And by the time I woke up it was already Christmas morning. I always missed seeing him. This time Santa’s arrival woke me up. I even heard footsteps and the twinkling of bells. It’s like I’ve been waiting my whole life for that one moment…a chance to actually see Santa Claus. It was like an early Christmas present.”

JR was excited by Ben’s news. Ben had seen Santa Claus and his elf. She didn’t understand too much at almost three years old. But she understood that when she got older, she knew she too would wait up one night to try to see Santa Claus, just like Ben used to do. And one day she would see Santa…just like Ben.

“That’s really quite a story,” Melanie said. “When I was younger I didn’t understand all the fuss about Christmas. We only celebrated Hannukah. But since I’ve been in Pittsburgh Christmas tradition seems more real. Now we celebrate both. Gus always gets lots of gifts. But I like the tree and the music and all. Lindsay and I have managed to integrate Christmas with my Jewish traditions.”

“Christmas is about family and getting together,” Lindsay assured her, “And this year, the word family has new meaning.”

Now that the presents were opened, Michael felt it was important to fix Lindsay and Melanie some toast. He opened a jar of special Christmas jam that Ben and Hunter had purchased. It was supposed to be the for the family Christmas breakfast that never happened.

Michael was determined that tomorrow morning they would have that special breakfast.

Lindsay and Melanie savored the taste of jam with their toast. Once again, the talk continued about Christmases past. Especially, holiday stories of Brian, Michael, Ted, and Emmett when Debbie and Vic were around.

Lindsay’s phone rang and conversation halted while she answered.

As it turned out, the call was from Brian, who suggested she and Melanie come out to Bri-tin. Gus was awake and would soon be ready to open his presents.

Lindsay and Melanie finished their light breakfast.

Melanie looked at her daughter, “Wouldn’t you like to go see Gus open his presents?”

JR’s response was to make herself and her new favorite doll more comfortable in Ben’s lap.

“Don’t worry,” Ben said, “We’ll see that JR makes it out there. We’re going to be leaving soon ourselves. Brian and Justin might need our help…”

Lindsay and Melanie decided to leave JR where she was. This year JR was more interested in her presents than the boxes they came in. Next year, she would be interested in the presents that Gus received too.

One more round of hugs and “Merry Christmas” to everyone before the women left, knowing that Ben, Hunter, and Michael would soon arrive at Bri-tin with their daughter.

As they got in the car, Lindsay and Melanie were ready for the next step in their Christmas adventure.

Christmas dinner this afternoon…something told them there were going to be stories to tell.

At Ted and Blake’s Apartment

Late Christmas Eve night, after their turn as Santa and his Trusty Elf, Calvin and Trace stopped by to tell Ted and Blake about all that had happened at Carl’s Old House, which included running out of the house to the thunder of footsteps on the stairs.

Likewise Ted and Blake filled Calvin and Trace in on what happened at Michael’s house. There was laughter as they told about the unexpected encounter with Ben.

They all spent a good portion of the night laughing and talking over drinks well into the early morning hours.

When Blake noticed the lateness of the hour, he invited Calvin and Trace to stay overnight and sleep on the pull out sofa bed in the living room.

Calvin and Trace quickly accepted, borrowing pajamas before finally sliding into bed. It was quite late when they all finally got to sleep.

However, time waits for no one. The rising of the sun signaled the arrival of Christmas morning.

Calvin and Trace were content to linger in bed and watch sunlight gradually fill the room. The idea of just languishing in bed was very enticing.

However, it was not to be, for there was a morning knock on the door, which brought this point sharply home.

Trace tried to ignore the sound and slid down under the covers. “Who could that be?”

Calvin rubbed his eyes. “Obviously Santa Claus…”

“You’re kidding? Not at this hour…”

“Maybe he didn’t like the way we impersonated him last night. And this is our penance, an early morning wake up call.”

“I can hear you in there,” a voice said from the other side of the door. “Are you going to let us in?”

By this time, Blake appeared in the living room wearing a robe. “Who can that be?”

Ted, also wearing a robe, smiled as he passed his houseguests. “Why didn’t you answer the door?”

His guests assumed that was a rhetorical question. They merely slid further under the covers.

Ted finally opened the door. To his surprise, he found Emmett and Drew standing there.

“What took you so long?” Emmett complained as he entered. “I was just about to use my key.”

“But I persuaded him to be patient,” Drew wanted to make clear. “After all it’s Christmas. These things take time.”

“And you came over to watch us open our presents?” Blake teased. “How sweet…”

“Don’t be ridiculous! We came over for breakfast.” At this point, Drew noticed two lumps hiding under the covers in the living room. “But we didn’t realize you had company. We should have called first.”

“Nonsense…” Ted said with a grin.

“Well, Drewsie and I can simply go to The Diner for breakfast. We didn’t mean to interrupt your holiday fun.” Emmett started nudging Drew back towards the door.

Calvin decided that was his cue to sit up. “Merry Christmas!”

“What are you doing here?” Emmett asked, startled. He looked at the lump beside Calvin. “I sure hope that’s Trace beside you, or you’re going to have a lot of explaining to do.”

That was his cue. Trace sat up. “Merry Christmas! And, thanks for looking out for me.”

Emmett and Drew started to laugh before making themselves comfortable on the stools at counter that separated the living room from the kitchen.

“So, what’s for breakfast?” Emmett asked.

“Didn’t you have breakfast with Debbie?” Calvin asked.

“We all greeted each other this morning, and Debbie was about to fix breakfast. Then everyone disappeared suddenly. Debbie and Carl went to watch his grandkids open their presents over something called chocolate chip pancakes. And Lindsay and Melanie went over to Michael’s to watch JR open her gifts. So you see, Drewsie and I are quite alone…not to mention starving.”

“So, we decided to come here,” Drew added. “Hoping you wouldn’t turn away two hungry travelers…”

“It being Christmas and all…” Emmett wanted to make a point.

“Well Em, my kitchen is yours.” Ted enjoyed this moment. “Blake and I will accept whatever you decide to prepare for breakfast. Thank you. This is a really neat Christmas treat!”

“But Teddy…” Emmett started to argue, but no one was listening.

Then Calvin interrupted. “Give me a moment to grab a shower, Em, and I’ll give you a hand with breakfast. The two of us together should be able to whip up something interesting.”

“You and me in the kitchen? That should work. We’ll whip up something tasty. Maybe something with a southern touch.” Emmett gushed, all ready starting to consider. “We’ll come up with an array of tastes for this Christmas morning.”

“Limited only by what we find in their refrigerator and pantry,” Calvin added with a laugh. “This is going to be a challenge.”

While Calvin was taking a shower, Emmett made a mental inventory of what was in Ted and Blake’s refrigerator. Then he moved to survey the contents of the pantry.

From experience, Drew knew, to stay out of the kitchen. He chose instead to relax and listen to Christmas music.

A few minutes later, a fully dressed Trace joined him.

Calvin was the next to arrive. He and Emmett caucused about the breakfast menu and decisions were made.

Ted and Blake were the last to arrive. They made a few steps in the direction of their kitchen only to be shooed away by Calvin and Emmett.

In the meantime, the couch was stripped and returned to its folded state. And, in no time the living room was back to its pristine condition.

Ted and Blake joined Trace and Drew in the living room. As the aromas from the kitchen drifted their way, all four of them speculated about what delicacies might appear for their special Christmas Breakfast.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Emmett and Calvin had put their heads together. Obviously, the kitchen was Blake’s domain, for they found apples, bananas, and fresh melon in the refrigerator.

They also found bacon and eggs along with an assortment of cheeses. Emmett decided this was probably Ted’s contribution.

But then Calvin found something even more interesting. He found several containers of refrigerated dinner rolls. “I’ve got an idea. Breakfast needs to be interesting but fast.”

“I’d have to agree. There are four hungry beings in the other room. What did you have in mind?”

Calvin held up several slices of Brie. “I’ve got this.”

Emmett put the bacon to good use. “Me too. I’ve got an idea.”

They each made their separate special concoctions and slipped them into the oven. Then they proceeded to cut up the fruit and ensure the coffee was properly percolating.

Calvin had one more idea, which he whispered to Emmett. They found milk, eggs and cheese, mushrooms, green onions, and garlic. These ingredients were mixed together and placed in the oven.

“This is just a snack,” Emmett said, leaning across the kitchen counter. “We’ll be having dinner at Brian’s before you know it.”

The tummies of four hungry persons growled in unison. The aroma of the food was making them hungrier.

Within a few minutes, Calvin asked, “Isn’t anyone going to set the table?”

Ted and Blake sprung into action with Drew and Trace helping. They formed an assembly line. In no time an elegant breakfast table was set, complete with a festive tablecloth, silverware, fine china, and napkins. It made a perfect backdrop for the food that was brought to the tacle a veritable feast.

There were Maple Bacon Breakfast Rolls, all buttery with bacon bits crumbled on top. Then the fruit assortment followed. Finally, the Crescent Wrapped Brie was presented to the oohs and aahs of everyone. One more thing was removed from the oven…something called a Baked Omelet, which was the final surprise.

Emmett cut the omelet into sections like a pie to make it easy for everyone to be served.

Once again, Calvin and Emmett had outdone themselves. Everyone commented on what a wonderful Christmas breakfast surprise it was.

Emmett had found a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator and made Mimosas for a festive touch. After all, it was Christmas morning.

“I was only planning on cereal this morning,” Ted pointed out as he accepted his slice of wrapped Brie. “This is sooooooooo much better.”

“I was only planning on juice,” Blake added as poured coffee for everyone and passed around the Mimosas.

“Merry Christmas,” Emmett said as he and Calvin joined everyone at the table.

They all knew this was going to be the best Christmas ever.

Author’s Comments: The recipes for Crescent Wrapped Brie and Maple-Bacon Breakfast Rolls can be found at I was watching one of the cooking shows to come up with idea of the baked omelet. Here is one of the recipes I found from a web search:

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