Meme 7 days. DayOne!

Oct 02, 2009 18:55

Salve gente! La cara zooeydriver questo pomeriggio mi manda un sms in cui mi intima di fare questo bel meme, indi... eccomi qui! Inizialmente avevo pensato di tralasciare il meme in questione perchè mi sentivo alquanto banale... non che io abbia cambiato idea, ma la Zoe mi ha spronato e facendo il meme spero di farla felice! :P

the 7 days meme:
Day one • a song
Day two • a picture
Day three • a book/ebook/fanfic
Day four • a site
Day five • a youtube clip
Day six • a quote
Day seven • whatever tickles your fancy

Siccome sono una donna banale, e Mika sarà mercoledì ad xfactor e spero anche di vederlo a Milano ad aprile in concerto, vi propongo la mia canzone preferita del nuovo album, The Boy Who Knew Too Much!
Good Gone Girl - Mika

Could you believe
The same old story
Yeah it never bores me, though I've heard it all before
Her name was Georgia
And she was gorgeous
When she adored ya the whole room would get to know

Should have gone straight to the last
Danced with the devil do your best
Play the wounded soldier
In a rush just to get to know ya

Hanging out in the fancy bars
With the boys who play guitar
Though that I had to warn ya
She's gonna make it out to California

Hey you, what's a good girl like you doing in this crazy world?
Well it's good gone girl
Dance, dance, to the life you wanted
When you were only 17
With a good girl dream

Good gone girl

Could you believe the same old phonies
Those painted ponies
That you've ridden all before
Her name was April
But she was hateful
Enough to make you want to run right out the door

I can tell you what you want the most
After the champagne toast
When the end of the night gets tricky
Don't you know that beggars can't be picky

Lookin' out for a man who's golden
Doesn't matter if his wallet is rollin'
He's looking at you like a desperate hunter
Sugar daddy but he's just a munter

Hey you, what's a good girl like you doing in this crazy world?
Well it's good gone girl
Dance, dance, to the life you wanted
When you were only 17
With a good girl dream

Good gone girl

Good gone girl

Good gone girl

She's walking around allover the town, needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.
She's happy to choose somebody to use, Good gone girl she's got nothing left to loose. (X3)

She's walking around allover the town, needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.

Good gone girl

Allora, non che mi piaccia particolarmente il testo della canzone ma
a. amo Mika per la sua perenne allegria euforica
b. vorrei lei come singolo.. We are Golden mi convince meno di Good Gone Girl!
e sono i motivi per cui ve la propongo, oltre perchè l'ascolto continuamente <3

Per il resto, vi propongo questi video tratti dalla puntata di ieri di Annozero, che vorrei davvero che tutte voi vedeste se non l'avete già fatto ieri! :)

Video N. 1 - Pazza indottrinata del PDL urla contro Travaglio ed Emiliano

image Click to view

Video N. 2 - I giornalisti in Italia

image Click to view

Vi lascio anche un articolo, che vi pregherei di leggere, uscito su Repubblica di oggi scritto da Roberto Saviano -che mi fa sempre tanto  piangere povero omino!- sulla libertà di stampa! QUI!

politically scorrect, meme

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