not really feeling witty tonight. hell, i couldn't even get through my statics homework tonight. i figured since i managed to get through the day without collapsing in the damn heat, i deserved a break.
so, i'm almost two weeks into the new semester and i haven't really had any big issues yet. half of my classes are fine and the material makes enough sense. my economics course may become a bit of a pain if my professor keeps up with the poor timing. it's a reversed class, so we do our homework during class and it's kind of a doozy.
some slightly good news, i found out my skin rashes are primarily a case of really bad allergenic eczema. i don't know what i'm allergic to yet, but i do plan to schedule an allergic test during my next break to see if they can figure it out because i am always always itching. i'm almost positive it's something that occurs year around. on some slightly bad-ish news, i haven't been able to stay asleep lately. not sure what's going on but it's driving me nuts and i can't seem to get past it. it's a pain in the ass in the mornings.
from all this, you can probably tell that i have not been writing anything. not even the teen wolf big bang thing. nada. i hate not being able to write anymore, but i can't fathom how much effort it takes out of me and it sucks. i'll try, but i'm probably should stop guaranteeing things.
that's pretty much it i guess??? i have a convention this weekend, dragon con. atlanta is going to be FILLED with thousands of people so it's gonna be awesome. i'm hoping to see the cast of the walking dead tomorrow -fingers crossed-. i only have one cosplay for this con which is kitty pryde/shadowcat from x-men. i plan to wear her for the big marvel universe photoshoot! hopefully stan lee makes an appearance~
uhh i'm pretty sure the next time i make a post, it'll be about the next convention, career fair, more school bullshit, and probably some hopeful blogging news. and of course, internship news (please let there be that).
oh yeah, i got an
instagram. it's mostly costume junk tho. will be using that and
tumblr to update stuff about dragon con.