Feb 13, 2010 23:51
Finished BioShock 2 in two consecutive nights. AWESOME, AMAZING GAME. I love it just as much as the first one. Love the story, the characters, the voice-acting, the morality, the creepy setting, the challenge...gawd, the experience was wonderfully unsettling. I'm beginning a second play through, even though I *should* focus on homework--but that's what no school on Monday is for! ^__^
And FMA: Brotherhood!! asdfjkllkdfajslj! FUCKING AWESOME. I missed the first few minutes or so due to coming back from work, but the majority I saw I abso-freaking-lutely LOVED. I heart this cast so much! And I already much prefer Maxey Whitehead as Al over Aaron Dismuke; she manages to sound like Aaron but make him less annoying and cute. I hope the dubs will be posted online soon so I can watch it again and catch what I missed. The fact it's only one episode every Saturday will make me 'splode. If Soul Eater, when it comes in the mail, doesn't do that first.
(I realize that because of my lax in updates, I never mentioned I suddenly got into anime, so...yeah! I'm an anime fan now. Perhaps I'll post what I'm working/have worked through so far and what I own. Help me from my insanity...)
Off to continue BioShock 2!