Another weekend has gone by for me

Jun 08, 2004 12:44

Well let's see here. Going back on Thursday, I was off and I got up at 10 or 11 around there and I got my stuff ready to go and pick Linda up at 2. I was so bored around those times cause I was ready to go and check in the hotel. Finally it was time to go and pack the car and to pick Linda up and when I got to Linda's, I told her how bored I was. She packed the car up and we were on our way out there.

We were talking and we decided to go out to get our Harry Potter tickets and go to Virgin Mega Store to see if they have anything on Harry Potter. So we got our stuff in the hotel and we left to the theaters to get our tickets. Then after we got our tickets, we went to Virgin and we went upstairs to look at the magazines for out Harry Potter. We collect things like that for our scrap book. There was nothing but only I got was one magazine that has some stuff on HP.

It started to rain while we were coming out of Virgin and we went somewhere else to look around and after that, we went back to the car and went back to our hotel to stay for the night. When we got back to our hotel, we started to get everything ready for Friday morning like food wise and what to take. Linda had brought her owl, Hedwig, and her broom like Harry Potter's got and brought it with her to Star Wars and Tom told her that this is Star Wars, not Harry Potter! It was so funny that what he said to her. The only reason that she brought that is because Warwick Davis played in the Harry Potter films and plus we were to go to the theaters right at 6 so we left there at the park to go see HP. We brought our friend with us and her sister was to meet us out there. When we got there, we stood in line because that's why we can get in the theaters but we were like the 3rd from on and of course it's all sold out from our 8:30 showing. The movie was awesome but I loved the second one, the Chamber of Secrets because I just loved it. I love this one too. Linda loves Prof. Snape and everytime he came on, she was like Oh My God! I'm sitting next to her fanning her and we were both laughing but in a quite laugh.

Anyways, after the movie got over, we took Nancy and Taresa home and then we went back to our hotel. Then we got up and started all over again going to the park and stayed out there for the whole day. But she didn't take her HP stuff with her this time.

I had brought my 2 Harry Potter DVD movies with me and also Willow and on Friday, I had him sign my first Harry Potter movie and he signed it and then I went to Mike Quinn's line for me to get a picture of him. That was awesome! I was with Shane the whole day up until 1:30 and let me tell you what had happened to me with him. I really like this guy a whole lot but I know he lives in Ohio away from here but I don't care. Anyways, I was wanting to see about going out and stuff and on Friday before 1:30 for the Stars of the Saga, he told me he's meeting a friend at the gate and that he's going to get him/her and bring him/her to the ABC theater to here the stars. I was waiting on him to get there and just when we were going inside, there he was having a girl with him and I thought that it was a friend so no big deal right? Wrong for me because when we were inside listening to what the stars have to say about their work and stuff, Shane was holding hands with this girl and I was so upset and feeling left out. After that, we went out of the building and Shane asked me to go with them to see the Little Mermaid show and I said no. He gave me a hug like we always do and they left and then I started to cry and Linda of course hugged me and she said that's nice of him to tell me that he has a girlfriend and stuff. If he would of told me a head of time, then I wouldn't mind and that way I can go on with myself but he didn't so I was so upset for the rest of that day up until Harry Potter movie and then I was back to myself again. But still man, I called him on his cell phone and told him that we need to talk. He called me back but I didn't hear my phone because it's inside my backpack. I checked it often and I missed one call and it was Shane so I called him back and we talked for a bit and I told him how I felt and that he got me all upset and stuff. Sure enough, that was his girlfriend. Men, they don't seem to understand us women do they? We get hurt so easily and our feelings too.

So I'm just going to move on with my life and not worry about him. I still want to be his friend and all because I did get his number and his address and email so I'm not going to through that away and just not talk to him but still, he should of told me ahead of time. This is the last week of Star Wars Weekends and I'm just going to tell him on Friday that we can still stay in touch and all.

But anyways, that's what I have to say about Shane and me on where we stand.

Moving on on Saturday, we got inside the park early because the resort guests can get inside the park at 8 and not at 9. If you are not staying in the resort, you have to wait until 9 like the rest of the people so me and Linda of course gets in at 8. Last week was aweful because no one came and walked us down to where we get our fastpass for our signing. We all ran last Saturday and people got hurt but doing that so this past Saturday, it was a whole lot better because Tom and his crew came and led us down there.

Then I had Warwick Davis signed my 2nd dvd movie on Harry Potter which is very cool. Then I bought a Jedi robe and a Darth Maul pin with my Visa card that I wanted. I didn't were my jedi robe because I had on a t-shirt and I'm not going to be that hot.

Then on Sunday, I didn't put on a t-shirt like I always do but I just wore my jedi robe instead and it's not that bad being that hot. At least it's not that hot for me. I had Warwick signed my Willow and on the front cover, he signed, "Allison, Love and Magic", and then his name so I'm so happy that he did that. I love Warwick Davis because he's so cute and small and I just want to pick him up and hold him to death.

I was going to get a lightsaber this weekend but I promised my dad that I won't take any money out of my checking account because of my hours are dead and not enough money in my acount to get my lightsaber, which totally sucks all hell because I really want one so bad. So I can't get a lightsaber like Linda has. Oh well, maybe I'll save my money and get one later.

There's this other guy name Raymond that I really like but I'm not going to press my luck on him. I'm making this card for him and see if he can give me an answer in the process of me coming out there after Star Wars gets over with. Linda doesn't know about this and she does knows about me liking him and all but we shall see what happends.

Today, I'm not feeling like myself like usual because I hope I'm not getting sick. I really don't want too because I don't feel like having this and being out at Disney so I'm going to fight this feeling so bad and not get any worse. Right now I have a sore throat and I hope it doesn't get any worse than that.

Anyways, this is really long post for me but I have a lot of things to say in here before I forget to post it. This weekend it will be Daniel Logan who played the young Boba Fett and Amy Allen who I don't know what part she played in.

Ok, enough of me so I'll talk to you all later. Need to get some stuff done like my laundry for this weekend and see if I got any food left over for me to take and all that stuff. Later!!
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