There has been so many changes in my life the past two years and a half.
I am barely hanging on.
But I've noticed that so many of my friends also don't feel real comfortable.
What's going on ?
My first look, of course, was at my self and the way I live my life.
Three small heart attacks, losing my feline soulmate, having to bury my father,
letting go of so many physical abilities and taking on board as many help from strangers,
hasn't made my time here on earth any better.
But what to say about all those natural disasters, like the recent ones in China, Pakistan and before that Chili and Haiti?
So ridiculous many people dead and the three fold left homeless.
No roof over your head, no bed to sleep in, no food, no clean water, no medicins.
And often enough no mum or dad anymore and sometimes no kids to take care of anymore.
And the rain keeps pouring, the fire keeps burning, the stones keep falling and the oil keeps flowing.
Where, and more important, when does that end?
Have you seen how many millions your government promisses to (chose a country you like).
Where did all that money suddenly come from? From the banks of (for instance) China, Chili, Haiti, Katrina?
Promisses, money, competition, power, corruption, war, terrorism, drugs, weapons, drowning people, starving people...any people?
Is there even enough REAL money in the world to cover that?
Or are these promisses just a few words, a sign and a stamp on paper?
Are we filling gaps with gaps now?
Let's start close at home.
So many chronical ill people every where.
Including yours truly and a lot of friends and parenting friends.
Do you get any help? Or just false promisses?
What's your government doing for your ill or disabled? Is it gonna be better soon?
I know because I've been trying to get a better wheelchair for use inside my appartment.
Because I still have my own legs.
They work, enough to crawl on the floor. But i can't stand or walk.
Come back when you are not able to move at all anymore.
How is the comfort of your child? Of your loved one. Or your parent(s) Of you yourself?
We,ve been all conditioned into letting others go first.
There are millions before us who are in far worse shape than us.
Let them go first.
And suddenly you need help, because of a situation that you yourself had no controle about, (think of any disaster) so that now you
need help yourself. And what do you think or belief happens if you ask?
No money on our funds, no money on your account, no urgent urgency, try again later.
By the way, didn't you hear the people in (call a country) are in far more need than you?
So what do we do next?
Change the people we vote?
With so many Dark ones there, who prey on this kind of situation.
This is the way Hitler came to power, over here in Europe.
And we're about to make the same mistake twice.
And you and you and you will too.
Unless you have seen the light. the new earth, where spiritual people are so excited about.
But there is a catch.
There is no new earth.
We're not going any where after the Ascension 2012.
We'll stick around on the same planet but the people will have been changed.
There will be soooo many changes.
We will have opened up our eyes and the first thing we'll see are the Bad ones, the Dark ones.
The corrupt, elected, powerful ones. The ones who have all the money and the power.
We'll have to get rid of them.
Before we do anything else, destroy all the weapons and the money on the planet and let the new free dance around the bonfires.
Next share your milk and cookies. Make promisses like: I'll paint your wall if I can have one of your reasonably fat (call the food suply you need).
Share everything with each other, houses, countries, land, medication, education, blankets,cloths....
Don't stay at one place too long because the nature has to have time to recover.
Live like the ancient ones, like the natives did.
We can do that, because....
We'll have soooo many dead people from all these man-created disasters that we have room to live.
Yeah, well that's just something I made up 20 minutes ago (it takes time to type this out, you know?)
But what would your world be like?
What would you do to help?
Love and Light, Lizzy.