Apr 30, 2007 12:52
We have arrived safely. In addition to the items requested, I'm able to bring back reasonable quantities of tea, coffee and also pepper and cardamom if it is of any use to the store-rooms.
Toyah is not speaking to Valerius, or rather, she will speak but only in Hindi. Val's hurt, but of course he hasn't said anything which is probably the best way; it's not good to let a child know it has the power to hurt you. I did find some time to let Toyah know, gently, that she was being disrespectful to her brother, and that she should be careful, because even the smallest squabble can lead to a big misunderstanding. I told her that it was quite all right to be cross with him, and to tell him so, but that she should also let him know she loves him.
Surprisingly, she did listen to me, but as far as I know she hasn't made any effort to speak with Valerius yet. Sigh.
It is so wonderful to be back in Kerala, though. I'm wearing sari again and enjoying walking barefoot beside the lotus pools. I know it is a temporary respite from the war...and I feel that somehow I ought to feel guilty for leaving it behind for even a little while. But just for now, while we recover from the various boat journeys and apparates we've had to make on this trip so far... it is nice to relax for a short time.
Then we will be going out to attempt to locate pyrewort plants. I've made a list of herbologists in the area, and we might have some luck. If not, we'll head to Goa.