Make a list of 15 of your favorite movies. Go to IMDB and look upquotes for these movies, and then post them in your journal withoutrevealing their source. When someone guesses the source correctly, add the film name and the username of the person who got it right.
blah, blah, blah. Some will be fairly easy, but I tied to make them somewhat difficult.
ok, hint one, no multi-part movies (thus pirates, LOTR, etc. are not in here)
1-No. Pornography's over there, second shelf on the left. - Casanova
downix 2-You are here on a matter of honor. I am here to see that you settle it honorably. There will be no back-stabbing, you will not throw your blades, nor will you use weapons other than those agreed. - Rob Roy
downix 3-Man, you've got some fucked up friends, I'm tellin' ya. Limber, though... - Fight Club
djebatihethert 4-I've never seen so many white men.
5-In fact dog, here's a pencil, go home, write some shit, make it suspenseful - 8 Mile
djebatihethert 6-Well, then we have something in common. We are both not to be trusted.
7-Put a bullet to me. Bullet in the brain pan. Squish. - Serenity
shemem 8-I just can't see God putting a gift like that in the hands of a man who would kill a child. - The Green Mile
shemem 9-We are so poor, we do not even have a language! Just this stupid accent! - History of the World Part 1 (and yes, this follows the hint, as there is no part 2)
downix 10-And I, at least, know who my father is, you pig-eating son of a whore! - The 13th Warrior
shemem 11-Free will. It's like butterfly wings: once touched, they never get off the ground. - The Devil's Advocate
djebatihethert 12-There's more vodka in this piss than there is piss. - GATTACA
downix 13-Yes, clouds that look like giant breasts full of milk, cannot exactly be guaranteed for any particular occasion. So you might have to... to wait. - The Aviator
sdrana 14-Look, All you have to do is tell me what it's worth to you. - Schindler's List
bestekeni 15-No, that's just dried blood. THOSE are his brains. -Master and Commander: Far Side of the World