[In response to
this owl.]
Dear Professor,
Thank you very much for your encouragement. On reflection, I'm certain that you are right about the course load - it's just that so many of the classes being taught sound positively riveting. However, with your words and the Faculty requirements in mind, I have narrowed my selection down to the follow:
- Magical Theory
- Philosophy of Magic
- Advanced Charms
- Advanced Arithmancy
- Advanced Potions
- Magical Linguistics
- Conjuration
- Non-Latinate Magical Systems
In addition, might it be at all possible that I could audit some of the other classes? That is, not take them for a grade, simply for my own edification? Specifically, Professor Elton's history courses.
- Padma Patil
P.S. I hope this isn't overstepping my bounds, but if you've taught Professor Elton, what is your opinion of him, ma'am? Would he take my interest in auditing his class as an insult or a compliment?