"I like to read a murder mystery, I like to know the killer isn't me..."

Mar 18, 2005 13:25

I've still been incredibly busy lately, and in my spare time, I've been uninspired to finish the trip stories as of yet, so hopefully I will have those up by the weekend, I really need to get them done soon!

So I'm fascinated by drama queens lately... *waves hello to at least one who is still reading my LJ for whatever reason* :) Does anyone ever find that the people who accuse a person of starting drama are often the ones starting the drama themselves? Because asking an ex to return stuff to you at a restaurant, or a club, and mentioning ass kicking if the ex doesn't comply, nope, that's not a staple of drama... *eyeroll* That's when you know someone's self-esteem must be pretty low, when they need to be surrounded by their posse to simply exchange items with someone...

Anyway, thus ends my rant... This will hopefully be my last rant on the subject for a while, I just truly am at a loss as to how some people's minds work... back to our regularly scheduled journaling! :)

I'm going on a date tonight, which I'm ambivalent about right now... He seems really sweet, but then again, so did the last guy, so we'll see what happens... But hey, you gotta take your chances where you can, right? :)

By the way, I must say that Craig's List is really starting to freak me out... So many people I know are using it now that it's starting to seem almost incestuous in a way... I keep (virtually) bumping into people all the time now, and it's starting to freak me out... It's even worse when you find someone you never even knew used Craig's List, lol...

At any rate, off to get some more work done... I love you all! <3
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