Back! Gosh, I really need to get a new layout for this lj! It looks like crap. Ugh.
And as you may I have a crush on Ben Barnes (Prince Caspian from Narnia). He really is a thing. I do think that probably is the only new I have.
Oh and I finally lost a few pounds! I didn't say it here but in January I decided to make a few Sweeney Todd shirts and a lot of fans bought. Unfortunately I didn't make in order to get money.. I thought only a few (like 10, 15) fans would buy it..but it was more like a hundred shirts...too much work, time wasted, angryness and a really, really small profit. But that's ok.
When I got my shirt, the large babylook size didn't fit on it does. You can see the difference:
Please, do not post if you really think I was better some monts ago. I appreciate it LOL