I'm still alive, I swear. I guess I just haven't been in much of a mood to write anything. But I'm on vacation and decided to write a tiny little blurb.
I was in Maui last week for a wedding on April 15th. My Mom's best friend from Florida, it was her son's wedding. It was a nice wedding on the grounds of the Ritz-Carlton Kapalua, save for the winds that almost blew all of us away. Oh, and my camera battery died just before the ceremony. So I had to haul ass to the Ritz-Carlton giftshop straight after the ceremony to buy some $10 batteries, then walk all the way down the hill to the reception that was by the beach. Let me tell you, I got my exercise that day. And walking up and down that path in heels was no small feat....especially when it started raining. But I love walking around in the rain, so I was rather happy to do it.
The weather here in Hawaii has been kind of unusual. The whole time I was in Maui (which was from the 13th to the 19th), it was windy and usually a little cloudy and rainy. And now that I'm in Oahu, it's still cloudy and rainy. It was actually sunny for a little while on Sunday afternoon, but that didn't last too long. I'm still waiting for it to be really sunny so I can go to the beach and get a good tan. Apparently tomorrow the winds are gonna be really bad, so I guess it won't be a beach day either. Shilhi and I want to go to Lanikai beach on Thursday though, so hopefully it will clear up by then.
Oh, I went to the Windward mall today and found one of those "behind the scenes" types of books for Wicked. I went to go see the play at the Pantages Theatre on April 8th with
voleuse, and
bhess430. It was the first time I had seen it and I fell absolutely in love with it. Anyway, I was at the Borders Express at the Windward mall and spent at least a good hour looking at this book. I think I may want to buy it, but will probably wait until I get to the mainland. I really don't need a big, thick book to add to the rest of my luggage.
Well I think I'd better go to bed soon. I've been sick the last few days, and this morning was the worst. I woke up feeling congested and, after a healthy breakfast of cereal and milk, decided to go back to bed 'til about 1:30 in the afternoon. I feel a little bit better after drinking Tylenol Sinus and taking some more Airborne. Hopefully the sickness won't get too far along so I can actually enjoy being at the beach this week. Goodnight!