Sep 06, 2006 20:01

So...someone up there was trying to make me collapse today at work.

#1) HOT guy with black hair down to his shoulders (but, nice, not icky like some guys tend to let it get}, dark sunglasses, tanned face, arms, ect...

....and a goatee all sexeh like right in the middle of his chin. I wanted to start singing The Doors..

...you know, "Hello, I love you..." XD

I was like, wow...you could be EITHER a character in my novel (and I know EXACTLY who) or Sirus Black like, five years after graduating from Hogwarts. *swoon*

#2) Um, dude...I swear Gary Oldman came through my line. So I know he's British and all and what the hell would he be doing in SoCali, you know and I think this guy was sans the accent I'm SERIOUS. This guy could have been Gary Oldman's brother. If there was a motherfucking Gary Oldman look-alike contest...he would have OWNED everyone times infinity. I'm serious. I almost was like, "DUDE...ARE YOU GARY OLDMAN DOING A FAKE AMERICAN ACCENT?" And he would have been like, "No...insane crazy cashier chick...please give me my milk and other generic health food store items." To give you an idea...he looked EXACTLY like

Anyway...so that was my day. I'm starving, but I just pushed myself to revise my paper that I didn't really want to add anything to, but did anyway because...um...I think we were supposed to. So I did, but I really need to go eat not because my stomach is imploding.

I threw away like, half a Chicken Ceaser Salad at lunch today (AND IT WAS SO GOOD)...I had no appetite earlier AT ALL...and now I'm starving.

Much love,

P.S. I have a boyfriend...who I LOVE a lot. LOLZ. I just...still recognize hot dudes.
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