Oct 06, 2034 20:57
elise came over yesterday and we made a basket of art supplies for our music teacher because he loves to paint and his brother had just died of colon cancer. we watched bob dylan. i've seen the first disc about 5 times, but i've never watched the second one and i dont know why. phsyics sucks and it's really funny. we looked for quotes to send kyle scott and we found the one that elise updated my lj with. lol.
we helped save darfur today. some people were surprisingly nice and others were just assholes, like one kid was saying "darfur? is that star wars? what? i live in america, i dont want to help some african." what can you say to that? honestly.
speaking of which, i've only changed for gym ONCE the whole year. i think i deserve a cookie or a medal or something. simonton was like "hey, you've missed like 6 gyms!" and i was all like "im saving the world! and im athletic! im captain of the varsity volleyball team!" and he was all like "well, you do have the highest push-up number for all the girls in all my classes... but hey! you're missing like everything else in the fittness test!" the end. he let me go and said that im a good kid.
vb: lj and i called jon for help in physics during the jv match. then we played and lost. but i think we played well.