helping my mommy with yard work. my hands got burned from turning the soil with a pitchfork thing. woah!
lauren's party. it was pretty darn awesome. yup. we played a lot of man hunt, fart or foof, and we started to play spin-the-bottle hug-style but then i had to go. i had so much fun. go lauren. petar couldnt go. kevin told me to call him petar from now on. whenever i say it, my brother moans as if it's an insult. he's silly.
do i look like i care about the mughals? well if you couldn't tell, i DON'T. they are friendless. in my chart for the ottomans under predict which civ is most likely to dominate unit3 i wrote "you can just tell, man. just check it. ottomans will definately kick butt coming up in the next unit." how much would you like to bet that the ss teacher i get doesn't notice? i did stuff like that with anderson.
petar and i are watching rescuers down under. go mice people! woot.
i made my dad a workout cd and it's cool. i'm gonna send it maybe tomorrow. lauren and elise, you guys want to go uptown tomorrow?
anyway. school. why cant they give us our real schedules? im in all advance courses (math is b) my electives are band, team sports, and leadership. exciting, right? next year i want to take psyc. that'd be cool.
my name is,
Pharewell Phish...Love you guys.