So tonight I had a dream. It was a pretty normal dream, I was at some kind of market or fair, with some other people, and I was looking at some beads, the kind I use for crafting, trying to decide whether to buy some. I noticed some lovely purple beads and thought "Oh, purple! How prettiful! And it's Micha's chat colour!" ...
That's when you realize you probably spend too much time in chat.
On a completely different note, I recently put my school into my LJ profile, and I noticed that there's someone else from my school who has an LJ. I'm kinda freaked about that. I don't think I know the person, or maybe I do... There are only two pretty short entries. I dunno whether to delete my school from my profile again. On the one hand, it's a bit of a risk since the person could easily find me, on the other hand it feels kinda cool that I'm not the only weirdo from my school who has an LJ. :p
On another completely different note, my ... *tries to think of word* Gah!
canutius told me the word once. It's something with confirmation, and it's kinda like a godfather. So. Anyway. This person is visiting us today, and I'm sooo looking forward to it because I haven't seen him in aaaaaaaages. He is also kinda my uncle, but only sort of. He was the boyfriend of my aunt before she died of some sort of cancer. The reason he hasn't been visiting more often is his new girlfriend, who apparently has a problem with him meeting people who are in any way connected with his former relationship. Or so my mum told me. Meh. He didn't even come to my ball because of that! Yeah, well. I guess I have to deal with being 'past'.
There's still sooo much snow everywhere, and I don't think it'll go away anytime soon. We've now had snow continuously ever since some time in the middle of November, which I don't think has ever happened before that I can remember. So yay for that.
We're currently reading a play in English class, and I really like it. Now I'm wondering if anyone of you English speaking people has ever heard of it, as it's pretty new (from 2003, I think), and I don't think it's anything particularly famous. It's called 'The Pillowman' by Martin McDonagh. I love reading English things anyway, no matter what they are about, simply for the fact that they're English, but this one I like particularly much. It's so fascinating and intriguing that I had a hard time putting it down again. The language is a bit crude, but it fits, and it also had me giggling at times. Yay for having an English teacher who gives us purty stories and plays to read.
Photobucket isn't really working for me anymore, it seems. I've been trying for aaaages now to upload the pics of my ball costume from my dad's computer. I can log in ok, but everytime I want to upload something, it gives me an error message of some sort. So, in case anyone cares to see the pics, you'll have to wait a bit longer.
Chat rocks. Especially yesterday night. :)
That was it for the random update of the day.