
Jan 10, 2006 18:26

Being sick sucks. What seemed to be a slight cold yesterday, and what I thought I could use as an excuse for skipping one more day at school, turned out to be a full-fledged ... flu or something. I'm feeling totally crappy. I haven't been out of bed all day. Right now I'm feeling a bit better since my mum forced a pill on me and it seems to help a bit, so I'm able to keep up my head long enough to actually use my laptop.

I'd have an important German exam tomorrow, but I don't think I'll be well enough to go. *sighs* Re-sitting exams sucks. I hate it more than anything. And I'm supposed to study for a Physics test on Thursday, but I don't know if my head will actually keep any of the information if I try to study. Plus, I have a ton of homework I was supposed to do in the holidays. Greeeeeeaaaaaat.

My mind has been working awfully slow all day. It's weird. My mum will say something to me, and I'll only get that she's said something two minutes later or so.

It also sucks that now that all the ball related stress is over, I have more time to think about things again and it's making me depressed again. I feel like I don't have anything to look forward to and life just seems so incredibly bleak right now. I did make myself two of those nice ticker thingies to count down the time until Copenhagen, one for my LJ user info and one for my Immy siggy.

Just talked to a friend on the phone and she told me that the Physics test is actually on Friday, which means one more day to study, which means I don't have to bother my poor head today anymore. And apparently I got a 'Very Good' on my English exam. That's it for good news of the day.

I feel pathetic right now, posting an entry only to whine on about being sick and talking about boring school stuff. Well, I *am* pathetic. I'm going to rest my head on the keyboard now and feel pathetic.


sickness, patronus, school, depression
