Wheeeeeeeee! *dances* The ball was fab!!!

Jan 08, 2006 17:51

I'm all hyper right now due to severe sleep deprivation, so please don't expect a very coherent entry. I think this is the longest time I've ever stayed up, EVER. I got up at 7 am yesterday (was it really only yesterday? It seems like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages ago) and well, it's about 5 pm now and I still haven't slept. We were allowed to go home after cleaning up at about 2 pm, and even though I was dead tired during the cleaning part (my friend and I thought that we would fall asleep on the spot while walking and carrying heavy boxes of bottles, and I got really really close to falling asleep during the hanging-around-doing-nothing times that are apparently essential when organizing something. But as soon as I came home at about 2 pm (wait... where was I supposed to close that paranthese up there? See, I *told* you this wouldn't be very coherent), I was all hyper and excited again, and I just *had* to tell my parents every little detail about the ball (they *were* there, but the ball was so huge that I only met them once for like, 5 mins when I sold them a drink), and then I just *had* to go on here to continue ramblesqueeing about it and bore my poor f-list some more with it (sorry, but you don't *have* to read it, you know!), because it was just so very very awesome and I'm still so excited that I can't even *think* about sleeping.

The purtiest moment was when we had finished everything, just before the people started arriving. I remember thinking "OMG! We *did* this! We really did! And it's about to start, and it's *my* ball!", and it was just the purtiest feeling ever. I liked wearing my costume and having my hair pinned up beautifully and just feeling generally purty. There was a group picture taken and then everyone had to go to their positions. The evening itself was very very very very (do you get my point already?) busy. There were so many people, it was unbelievable. I mean, we don't have any statistics yet as to how many people there were in comparision to last year, but I'm fairly certain there were more than last year. We (and when I say we, I mean the committee people, since I wasn't responsible for that part) bought the amount of beverages that is known from experience to be approximately consumed at these balls, but they had to buy more supply at about 11 already because drinks sold so well. In short, I think it was a great success and we made quite a bit of money too. :P

The midnight performance was awesome too, I think it went down really well with people. In fact, a girl I don't know walked up to me afterwards at the bar I was working in and complemented me on it. There were a few really awful technical problems, for instance the microphone failed a few times, but I think it was still a success. I made one tiny mistake in the final dancing part, but I don't think anyone noticed.

I liked working in the bar very much. I never did it before (whereas most of my friends have worked for one shift at one of the previous balls), so I messed up quite a bit in the beginning. I saw my mum and dad once, and my dad was all acting the proud dad, it was too cute.

Then, at about 3:30 am, the security guys chucked the last people out, and we started cleaning up, putting down all our nifty decorations :( and collecting empty bottles, cleaning and sorting glasses, removing everything from the classrooms, and finally cleaning up and putting in the normal school desks and chairs again. The last part was mostly done by our parents, who came to help us some time in the morning, since the majority of us was too tired already at that point. It was very very exhausting, after a busy night like that, and at one point I thought I'd just collapse. And did I mention that I have the most awesomest parents ever? They didn't go home, slept, and returned in the morning like other parents did, no, they stayed right there with us and helped us with the worst part of the cleaning right in the wee hours of the morning. I love them, I really do, and I'm really proud to have parents as supportive as them. (There were other parents who found it outrageous that we even *asked* them to help us clean up)

At 2 pm the committee people let us go home even though we weren't quite finished yet. There wasn't much to do for us anymore anyway, it was enough if a few people stayed, and they noticed how exhausted we all were (and we were pretty much only hanging around trying not to fall asleep at that point). Well, and I *had* to write all that down before I go to bed because otherwise I'll probably forget important stuff or I won't be as excited about it anymore. Call me addicted to LJ, I don't care. Well, come to think of it, I *am* addicted to LJ. But that wasn't the point. Oh, and speaking of my LJ addiction, I *will* read up on my f-list eventually. ;)

Anyway, I think I'd better be off to bed, since I'm getting oddly dizzy now, probably due to the sleep deprivation. And it is now almost 6 pm, therefore making it 35 hours of being awake.

Oh, and did I mention my parents are the coolest parents ever? They allowed me to skip school tomorrow in order to sleep late and recover a bit from all the exhaustion. Yay. They so so so rock.

I won't bother to cut this, sorry. I'm too excited/proud about it, and I'm afraid my dizzy mind won't remember the cut tags anyway. :p And now, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!! :D

exhaustion, squeeage, ball
