Feb 18, 2006 13:36
Four Jobs You've Had
1. General Laborer
2. Stripper
3. Telephone market researcher
4. Animal Hospital Receptionist
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2. Boondock Saints
3. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
4. Nightmare Before Christmas
Four Television Shows You Love
1. Monthy Python's Flying Circus
2. Mystery
3. Masterpiece Theatre
4. My Name is Earl
Four Places You Have Lived
1. Gassaway, WV
2. Morgantown, WV
3. Cape Coral, FL (But only for a 1.5 months)
4. Tulsa, OK
Four Places You Have Been on Vacation
Never have really been on vacation.
Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. Livejournal.com
2. Okcupid.com
3. Gmail.com
4. Google.com
Four Places You'd Rather Be Right Now
1. West Virginia
2. Minneapolis, MN
3. England
4. Somewhere with free doom...
And i'm tagging: