
Jun 09, 2009 09:45

In honor of David Carradine (rip), during the weekend I re-watched - again - the whole "Kill Bill" saga and...OMG my love for those movies - especially the first - knows no bounds.

I love, love, love them. The cinematography and direction are beautiful, the photography, costumes, scenography are brilliant, the dialogs, casting and acting are perfect, the soundtrack is amazing and...well, the whole thing is utter genius.

I could re-watch those movies a million times and never get tired of them...so much love. ♥

In other news, after the latest books, I pretty much had given up on the Anita Blake series, but I kept reading it in a masochistic "train wreck" kinda way. But I have to say that the last book "Skin Trade" was...dare I say it? Pretty good.
At least it was much, much better than the previous, say, ten ones...it's still not great, the ending is kinda "meh" and I missed some "Jean-Claude time", but it seems that LKH is getting her mojo back, Yay! :-)

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