*waves frantically*

May 13, 2009 15:18

Wow, it's been almost two months since I last posted, I really suck at this livejournal thing, don't I? ;-)

I'd really like to update more, but I never know what to write about! *pouts*

Well, I guess I can always write about books...I've been reading a lot lately and since I saw some of you guys asking for book recs I thought I'd write down some of my latest favorites. :-)

Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs (Mercy Thompson book 4)
The "Mercy Thompson" series is one of my very favorite Urban Fantasy series, I love the characters and the plot is always interesting and original. This new book is great, as always, and very satisfying from my shippy heart...I can't wait for the next one! :-)

Unfallen Dead by Mark Del Franco (Connor Grey book 3)
This is one of those series that gets better and better with each book. The first book is ok but nothing mind-blowing, the second is better and this one is pretty damn good. The characterization is excellent, there's action, intrigue, adventure and a tiny bit of romance...it's great.

Pride by Rachel Vincent (Werecats book 3)
Another great Urban Fantasy series! This book is probably the best of the series (although I truly liked the others, too), the characters grow up a lot and the writing is very captivating. The next one should be out soon and I can hardly wait!

The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death by Charlie Huston
This is not Urban Fantasy (oh my!), actually I don't even know how to describe this book..."awesomely crazy" is probably the best definition. :-)
I love Huston's Urban Fantasy series, so I tried out this book to see how he did with "regular" books...I have to say that I was quite pleased. Basically, if you like Chuck Palahniuk and crazy stuff in general, you'll probably like this book, too.

The "Vlad Taltos" series by Steven Brust
There is just one thing that I can say about this series: utter genius.
There are 11 novels so far (Jhereg, Yendi, Teckla, Taltos, Phoenix, Athyra, Orca, Dragon, Issola, Dzur, Jhegaala) and every one of them is written in a different style and - sometimes - from a different pov. I won't even try to explain what the series is about (there's a bit of fantasy, a bit of sci-fi, some philosophy, some politics, a lot of humor...), I'll only say that I absolutely love the writing, the humor, the characters, the world and, well, pretty much everything about these books. *nods*
If you're not afraid of original stuff, you must also read the series' prequel (sort of) inspired by Dumas' Three Musketeers (The Khaavren Romances series) it could be hard to read at first, but then you'll find yourself utterly addicted. Love.

Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews (Kate Daniels, Book 3)
Another of my very favorite Urban Fantasy series. The characterization is awesome, as always, the dialog is great, the plot is particularly brilliant and engrossing, and the romance aspect (not much present in the previous books) is becoming a little deeper and definitely intriguing...I truly can't wait for the next one!

Turn Coat by Jim Butcher (The Dresden Files, Book 11)
What can I say about Jim Butcher? I love him. I love his characters, I love his books, I love his writing. He's one of the best Urban Fantasy writers out there and he never disappoint. "Turn Coat" is definitely a turning point in the Dresden Files series and Butcher is clearly setting up a massive conflict...I can't wait! :-)

Blue Diablo by Ann Aguirre (A Corine Solomon Novel, Book 1)
I love Ann Aguirre's Sci-fi series, so I thought I'd give her new Urban Fantasy series a try...I was glad I did! :-) The story is incredibly original and the writing is really good, it's a very promising start and I'll definitely check out the next in the series.

The "Study" series by Maria V. Snyder
There are three books in the series: Poison Study, Magic Study and Fire Study. The first one is definitely the better one - incredibly original and compelling - but I also enjoyed the other two...after a while you start to really like all the characters and you have to know what happens to them in the end. All in all, it's a pretty original series, definitely worth reading. ;-)

The "Andrea Cort" novels by Adam-troy Castro
There are two books so far: Emissaries from the Dead and The Third Claw of God and I absolutely utterly loved them both.
They're sci-fi books and they are some of the most original, interesting, fascinating books I've ever read. The main character is kinda difficult to like at first, but after a while I totally fell in love with her (and her two companions) and with the incredible world she lives in. The fist book is especially hard to "get" - it took me some time to actually understand what I was reading - but after the first few chapters I literally couldn't put it down. The second one is also amazingly good and full of surprises. If you like sci-fi, mysteries (Agatha Cristie style), philosophy, tough heroines with a marsh-mellow center and unconventional love pairings, this is the series for you.

Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris (Sookie Stackhouse, Book 9)
I absolutely loved this new chapter of the Sookie Stackhouse adventures! I don't know why so many reviewers (at least on Amazon) didn't like it...personally I loved it. I found the characterization vastly improved, the dialog was great and the plot was very original and interesting. Also, my shippy heart was very satisfied by the new direction of Sookie's love life. Basically, a really good read. *nods*

So, what are you reading?

book recs

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