JD Robb

Mar 03, 2009 16:34

How can JD Robb be so freaking awesome? How? *ponders*

After I finished the new "In Death" book "Promises in Death" I just couldn't leave Eve and Roarke's world... I had to stay there a bit longer and bask in the awesome-ness of this series, so I'm re-reading some of my favorite ones: so. much. love.. *happy sigh*

I love those characters so much that I'd even read about them doing silly stuff like grocery shopping...not that JD Robb isn't great with plot too, but what makes those books so awesome are the characters and the very good (sometimes outstanding) dialog.
And the fact that the characters grow and change and evolve, but their core, their very essence is still the same. That's true talent, people.


book recs, books

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