I have a wicked sister.....

Feb 28, 2005 15:01

......... cos she made me spend money and eat big huge hot fresh pasties - its all her fault,as was the cream tea and hot chocolate we had afterwards *snigger*

Discovered I can still fit into size 12 clothes with a bit of room to spare, but i dont know how long thats going to last, as the belly is getting bigger by the day it seems as is my appetite :o/

Odd things I noticed about being pregnant:

a. How people feel they can rub my belly regardless,

b. Conversation, including my own I am ashamed to say, is almost entirely offspring focused,

c. How people cant wait to tell you their labour and delivery horror stories :o|,

d. Bits of me start to throb, ache, twinge and go numb without warning or apparent purpose.

I have been told by many, that all the above get worse as you get bigger eeeek.

To T: wasnt ignoring your comments, I just havent checked in for a few days - I think the scrapbook idea is lovely, I was thinking about starting one especially now I have a scan piccy to put in for starters; if my memory serves I think you can buy little books ready made up so you can just stick your piccies in etc ?
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