Mar 05, 2007 17:15
I am getting together tonight with a group that seems to get bigger and bigger every time we meet. The first night it was C and BB, whom I know from work, plus two other women whom I did not know. They were lovely, and my meeting-people issue was assuaged quickly, even if I wasn't entirely able to let my hair down.
Then last time, they went to see The Queen, and it was C, BB, the two other ladies and a fifth woman. I was so exhausted it was bordering on illness and I called in and canceled. BB expressed her disappointment and said they would miss me. The next day, I was sorry I had felt so lousy; they had a great time.
Tonight it's C, BB, K (I roomed with K in Austin), and apparently even more women I don't know. I kind of want to express rather grumpily that this isn't what I signed on for, but K and C are my friends now, and BB is at least a politically kindred spirit.
Oddly enough, I have a headache that's bad enough that I want to call and cancel. Coincidence? Prolly not.
No, we're meeting at BB's house for short indie films, wine and discussion. I can't pass that up. But still. I don't want to meet people again.