Sep 06, 2007 16:07
One of the *good* things about being a Satanist is that I'm usually outside
of the usual drama that sometimes goes on in the pagan community. That's
not to say that there aren't the usual finger point and sneering that goes
on between the TOS or the COS or the UCOS or any of the other satanic
factions...but I've just been *outside *all of that for a while.
For me...all action either serves to increase or reduce suffering. If it
would increase suffering --> don't do it. If it reduces suffering --> go
for it.
But in doing that I've put myself for the years in an
environment in which I have only a few confidants and a whole slew of
acquaintances, or less. Confidants I consider those who 1) listen to me as
much as I listen to them, 2) practice *active* listening, and 3) consider
based on situational instead of personal opinion or judgments.
Acquaintances are usually coming to me to tell me something about their
life-experience or to get my opinion on an issue they are having. They
aren't usually wondering how my day is. But being in recovery...we get
sponsees (those who are trying to figure out the recovery process and turn
to "the more experienced member" for support) and in magical orders I find
lots of people who want to learn how to summon a demon (funny thing...they
never add the all important "and *NOT* get eaten".)
So...I have lots of acquaintances...and a few, very few confidants.
In my world it takes a lot to be a good friend and I just don't have the
energy to truly be a good friend to more than five people at a time. Maybe
you are better than me...I have learned to respect my limits.
But I was listening to this person go on and on about the petty infighting
among two of the local Pagan groups concerning the upcoming
Mayboncelebrations. The obvious
solution of "why don't you just join forces and
do it together", seemed to be out of the question. But I realized how
thankful I've been to have eliminated much of the psycho-drama in my life.
Maybe it is because I'm 36. But things seem to be more settled.