It has a name! Soundwave's Playlist on Shuffle

Nov 05, 2008 18:02

Live Like You Were Dying by Tim McGraw

“Why do you do it?”

He got that question a lot. Mechs, femmes, and even their human friends always asked him at least once. Why he ran head first in battle. Why he volunteered for missions. Why he played the tricks. Why he shagged anyone he could. Every time they did, he gave them all the same answer. He would grin his infamous grin, shift his weight back on one foot, and tilt his head to the side. He let air cycle through his ventilators and said rather quietly: “The way things are going, I’m going to die relatively young, and I’m going to make fragging sure I don’t have any regrets.” No one could argue with him on that.

Orange Crush by R.E.M.

Trailbreaker didn’t know what to say when he saw the orange triplechanger for the first time since they left Cybertron. He hadn’t changed. The mech still teased and grinned like the devil even when no one paid him much mind. All the black mech could suddenly remember was the nights he’d spent in that Energon bar, blowing his credits on the best High Grade because of him. As far as he knew, no one in Springer’s team knew what happened. Only a few close friends of Trailbreaker’s knew, and he intended to keep it that way.

Officer Jimbo (From Lady in the Water)

The moonlight reflected off the water in a rippled band of light. Something never seen on Cybertron and she wanted to make sure she remembered it. The femme stepped closer to the edge where the water, black in the night where the light didn’t touch it, met the sand. She couldn’t allow herself these quiet moments very often. She had her team to lead and collaborations with Optimus and she had learned long ago to make sacrifices.

Little Red Riding Hood by Sam the Sham

(Sticky Situations Verse)

Sideswipe knew his reputation preceded him wherever he went, but this beautiful blue femme struck him as different from the rest. For once, he wanted more than just a recharge cycle with her. He wanted to spend time with her, love her, and make her happy. She knew his reputation though (maybe he shouldn’t have interfaced with all of her friends). Maybe he’d get lucky and she’d give him a chance.

Anyway by Martina McBride

They lost another battle. The Decepticons were just too well organized, armed, and populated. Ironhide looked over at the others who had survived and saw something in every single one of their optics. They weren’t discouraged. Hopeful didn’t even seem strong enough. It was more that they still believed. They still believed in themselves, in their strength, and most importantly in the Autobot cause. Despite the destruction and death around him, the security officer smiled. They would win this war yet.

Moonlight Shadow by DJ Mystic

(Sticky Situations Verse)

The Autobots crammed into the rec room. It was so packed that some of the larger mechs had offered their shoulders as seats for the minibots not only so they could see, but also so they weren’t squished. In the front of the room, Sunstreaker and Mirage put aside their current general dislike of each other (Sideswipe stayed between them to be safe) to make sure they were both as close as possible. It had taken the med team decacycles to get her fully functioning again, and now she was back, she intended to give back to those who had saved her.

Chase the Morning (From Repo! The Genetic Opera)

(Sticky Situations Verse)

She watched her mother as she prepared to go out for the evening. She carefully polished her plates to make sure they shimmered and shone. The silver femme looked back at her and paused her movements. “You can do so much more than me. I can’t escape this life, but you can. Promise me you will be better than a doll like me.”

“I promise. I will.” The glittering green femme vowed.

Silver and Cold by AFI

Sunstreaker stood in the wash racks and just let the water flow over him. He knew the steam hid him from the view of any other mechs in the room. He shut his audios and optics, not wanting to hear or see the blue mech on the far side of the room. He didn’t want to feel the urge to go over to him and run his hands over those wings. Trace the seams in his perfect red faceplates. The temptation was quickly quelled when the memory files of how he found the said mech entwined with Ultra Magnus after returning from his last mission flooded his processor unbidden.

Bravi! (from Repo! The Genetic Opera!)

“I am going to kill you. I hope you realize that.”

“Oh shut up Springer.” Prowl snarled.

Piano Man by Billy Joel

Mixer stood behind the bar, wiping out an empty Energon cube and watched as the room filled up. He knew most of their stories as he willing offered for them to tell him.

The big black mech at the corner of bar had been in every night for the past decacycle. He spent the cycles trying to drown his memory files in the finest High Grade he could afford.

The blue femme at the table was waiting for her beloved to get off shift at the Academy as a trainer to join her. When he got there, she would give him a hard time, but it was her way of showing she’d missed him.

The black jet in the far corner kept staring at the door waiting for someone to come through them. Who ever he waited for never came. The flier kept to himself, and hadn’t shared with the bartender who he waited for, and the tender didn’t mind.

Aerith’s Theme (from Final Fantasy VII)

He remembered the first time he saw her: her blue plating reflected the glittering lights of the city behind her, her optics taking in the perfection of a crystarose, and her hands, so delicate, tracing the petals of the blossom. Vorns later, she would swear the event never happened. She had her reputation to think of, after all. Ironhide would just smile and murmur agreeably with her while treasuring the image capture he had of her then safe in his processor. He never knew how he got so lucky, and intended to never push it to find out just how much luck he had.

Rhythm Emotion by Two-Mix

Midnight on a Monday nigh in the Ark: a large group of Autobots clustered around the television.

“Someone pass the Energon goodies!” Bumblebee requested and quickly received his desire.
”All right, everyone ready? Everyone have everything they need? Good, cause its show time!” Jazz settled down in the sofa and turned up the volume.

The humans had some pretty interesting shows, but Gundam Wing took the cake!

Whole by The Dreaming

Sunstreaker had been gone for far too long in his processor. The missions had come in back-to-back-to-back and he knew he needed to unwind. He had everything planned: get some Energon with Sideswipe, hit the wash racks, and stop in to see Tracks. He grinned to himself. Stop in nothing, he planned on interfacing the other mech senseless. Frag it, he decided, Sides could wait, he needed to see the blue mech first. When he got to the door, he quickly typed in the code and grinned as the door slid open. The grin faded when he realized Tracks wasn’t alone.

Forever Love (From “X-The Movie”)

Prowl sat staring at the monitor. He had gotten off duty three cycles before, but had stayed in the surveillance room because he had nothing else to do. Ultra Magnus currently served back on Cybertron and Ratchet was up to his elbows fixing Wheeljack (again).

“Hey Prowl! Shift’s over man, go cut loose!” Jazz came in grinning.

The tactician barely glanced over his shoulder. “Logically, there is nothing for me to do.”

The other black and white’s grin somehow managed to get wider. “Prowler my man, you’re coming with me. I am going to teach you how to make something to do in your spare time.”

“I’ll pass, thanks.” Prowl hit a few keys to adjust the view on one of the cameras and noticed the Lambos getting far closer to the unsupervised lab than his battle computer deemed safe. “On second thought, how do you feel about getting two Lamborghinis into the brig?”

The espionage specialist’s grin turned wicked. “Now you’re talking!”

Second song by Priss in Bubblegum Crisis 2040 (I can’t read kanji!)

They walked through the halls like they owned them. The Wreckers, along with the twins, made their way through the Hub towards the rec room with the intent of taking it over. Sunstreaker, with the help of Sideswipe and Sandstorm, had subspaced a vast amount of non-regulated High Grade with the plan to spike the dispensers. Why? Because everyone could use some loosening up and they were the mechs to do it. It was Sides’ idea and the Wreckers as a whole thought it was brilliant and knew they would have to take advantage of the situation. If anyone asked, they planned on blaming the twins.

sticky verse, music challenge

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