Summary of a decade

Jan 10, 2010 00:36

It has been a very eventful decade, but let's see if I can summarize mine with a few words:
2000: I lose my grandfather; he died at an age of 81 years old. I miss him still. Then I reunite with an old love named Simon. The third big thing this year was Line Doggie's arrival to my home.

2001: I found a forum called and through that, I found some really precious people. ;) Later this year, my "old love" Simon descended to be a friend, but still, a very, very close friend. Instead, a Sith Lord from entered into my life. For the first time, I experienced True Love. And for the first time, I flew overseas, to the little country they call USA.

2002: The Sith Lord moved to Sweden to be with me. This year, I also started my first real employment, at the local library.

2003: My father died a very sudden death at the age of 56. I still get teary when I think of him. I miss him so very very much. Later this year, I get employed as 'ombudsman' at SRF.

2004: I meet some really dear friends of mine for the first time. tommdroid and sealwhiskers are two really special people I still have some contact with, but wish I could talk to more often than I do. I think of you alot.

2005: I get married to the Sith Lord in May this year. I also meet up with jennixen for the first time this year. Oh, and another dream comes true this year: I got to see the Niagara Falls! I later learn that Simon dies this year, at the young age of 32. But I know he still watches over me.

2006: The most important event this decade happens on april 22nd this year: Melody, my lovely little girl, is born!

2007: Hm, not much new, except that we went to london to see the huge Star Wars convention.

2008: Our world is falling apart and I file for a divorce from the Sith Lord. Also, both mine and the Sith Lord's grandmothers die this year. Rest in peace, grandma and grandma Betty!

2009: The Sith Lord brings Melody to the USA. I learn what the Hague Convention means. I learn how painful it is to be without my child for over 7 months. I also learn to really appreciate the presence of my daughter, once I get her back. I have always loved her, and appreciated her, but at the end of this year, everytime I get impatient or angry with her, I can still think of how things could have been and I appreciate that she is in my arms.

This decade has been full of events and both tears and joy. But I do hope that 2010 will be a happier year than 2009 was.
Happy new year, all!
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