Coffee, Coffee, Coffee....

Feb 08, 2010 11:05

Daughter #1 keeps trying to get me to stop drinking the coffee but she just doesn't comprehend the necessity of the world's only legal stimulant. ;) lol Thank goodness for caffeine.

Had fun watchin' the Super Bowl last night; we did the crackers/cheese/pepperoni bit and some tortilla chips with queso, and soda between the four of us, and it was fun. However, both girls found other things to occupy themselves with...*snerk*...during the actual game. I remember being impatient with Dad hogging the TV for football too at that age. Took going to college and feeling homesick to start watchin' it, and now it's just fun. :) 'Tis okay if the football doesn't "take" with the girls; I've already got my Sci-Fi Geek-in-Training in the 11 year old, so hey... ;) Priorities, here!

Here I sit with my coffee cup and the news goin' on in the background, sunshine comin' through the window, and the temp projected to be around 27 F. At least 'tis a pretty looking day but I'll tell ya what...I'm ready for WARM WEATHER. lol And this is WITHOUT the snow that has been falling so heavily south of where we are. I'm just ready to not be cold. ;)

In the process of putting up the *regular* stuff on the walls...we've been a little pokey about the whole packing up of Christmas things and replacing them with the normal things...There are bins upstairs that need to be packed into the "Christmas closet," but I think the hubby has plans to rearrange how stuff gets stacked in there, so currently am just being patient with the stuff in the hallway. lol

And Monday. New sales list to work on, blah. But other than that, hoping for a productive day of writing. Coming up hard on my beta deadline for the VS6 fic. Needing to continue work on the paid writing project as well.

Can I crawl back under the covers? ;) No? Okay, then, hand over the coffee...

Everybody have a good day!

kids!, scribblin', real life, football

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