Alive! and other good stuff.

Mar 30, 2009 10:38

Well here we are...another Monday. Almost the end of March already. Good grief! We're already almost a quarter done with 2009 already. Okay...that's just scary. But as you can see, I'm still kickin' and screamin' so it's all good. ;)

In the Good Stuff category, things are progressing legally with the girls; it looks like the adoption should go through. All the lawyers involved have come to an agreement, so it looks like the girls will be staying here. I'm thrilled! And the girls have said they want to take our last name. *sniff* To me, that's pretty amazing.

Shore Leave...well the registration has been sent in. Still figuring out the details on actual travel...driving versus riding a bus, and all that and hotel stuff. But there's time to work all that out, which is good. :D Fangirl SQUEE!!! for finishing off my cast photo, and for meeting up with some pretty cool people this year from all over the country.

Is there more coffee? Coffee, please? *taps my mug* Somebody better start a caffeine IV and I'll just drag the pole around with me all day. LOL

Not much else happening in my corner of the world besides a lotta laundry. And a sleeping cat. ;)

Everybody have a good day!

kids!, rambling, real life, coffee overdose

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