Aug 06, 2015 07:50

Off I go to Baltimore for the annual Shore Leave, visit astromist weekend!!! :) *dances along* David Nykl (SGA's Radek Zelenka) will be there, so that'll be fun...a lot of the other folks that are there this year, I don't watch their particular shows but the talks are generally fun anyway.  This year my 15 year old is accompanying me, so that should be fun as well.

Got up at 6:00 AM and packed...about all that's left to go into the suitcase is the toothbrush. lol  And for a four hour and some odd long trip, there shall be coffee! lol The roadtrip itself is part of the fun... :D

shore leave, fandom, etc., friends, geeks-r-us, road trip, stargate atlantis

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