The weirdness that is my life...

Apr 28, 2014 09:27

Well...let's see.  lol I was gonna try to be a little more regular posting here but I suppose two posts in one month is better than one in six months, or whatever, so....okay. Here we go.

First of all, there have been loads of changes at work, all good for the most part. We have a new CEO and are taking a new direction in our vision and operations. We even have shirts with our logo on them and so forth, and while my girls think it's 'tyranny' (their word, not mine) that I have to wear a 'uniform' (again their word, not mine) , I kinda like the polo shirts. They're comfortable and look decent and the logo is just on the upper right (my left) of the shirt. *shrug* I don't mind them. Saves me having to figure out what to wear everyday. LOL

I've been more or less named de facto 'music director' at the station now, too.  So as we're updating everything, I get to make the call on the music we play. Which, I'll tell ya what, I have been happy about. We're starting to move forward. :)

Around here (home, that is), there have been a few interesting tidbits to post about.  My eldest attended her first (and probably only) prom; she was invited by some friends to go to prom with them, a group of girls and one guy. lol and so all the teen angst and drama that go along with that was going on. But she's beautiful... :D

And then there's the cat that's in heat, mooning all over the house, poor thing..and poor us...she's driving us to distraction, especially my husband who, as the only male pheromone in the house, is getting lots of attention from the furball. lol Aside from his annoyance, it's actually kinda funny. *facepalm*  We have to get her spayed when there's extra funds to do so.

And finally, me.  Almost a week ago, I discovered a lump in my neck, and made a doctor's appointment. Doc suspected thyroid issues and they drew blood for lab work and scheduled me for an ultrasound of the lump. Praising God, tho' that the results show my thyroid hormones are normal and my blood count is "perfect," according to the Doc, and the ultrasound shows it's cystic, not hard, so the Doc said highly unlikely to be cancer. It is, however, almost 2 centimeters in size so they want to drain it. That happens on Wednesday at 9:00 AM, only we don't have a local endocrinologist here, so i have to drive about an hour and some minutes to go get that taken care of.  My shift at the radio station that day is being covered so I can go take care of all that.  I'll happily deal with a needle in my neck versus having to take thyroid meds the rest of my life or deal with cancer treatments, so...feeling very very blessed to be protected from those options.

And yes...24 years ago today, my husband and I took our vows the first time. :) Wow. Am I really that old? LOL We're gettin' away for the weekend, next week, to celebrate both anniversaries, the original date (the 28th), and our remarriage (the 17th).  Looking forward to that immensely; we don't generally do stuff like that; finances and all that. :)  God is good. :) And I love my man.

I think that's most everything.  Now I need coffee 'cause I'm darned sleepy this morning. lol

kids!, anniversary!, grace of god!, coffee overdose, best hubby in the world, real life, rambling, cats!

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