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Jul 22, 2009 11:30

I know I don't post here that often. I think I've been sucked too far into Facebook that I forget about Livejournal most days.

I've been playing it pretty steady at work these days. I know i need to get off my ass and start looking at aviation jobs again....but since we're not in the position (or have the desire) to move, my options are very limited. DH is disgusted with his job, but I can't figure if he's doing it to himself or not. He keeps telling me how bad his schedule sucks and how the company treats their pilots bad and all that, which I understand, but I could have sworn that he bid a bad schedule on purpose in hopes of not having to work. For those unfamiliar with pilot schedules, every month is a complete cluster. You have to deal with on duty hours and rest hours and mandatory rest and all these rules. I think DH was trying to play the system and bid a schedule that would, by all these flying hour rules, leave him unable to work a lot of hours. This plan has backfired, and he's been flying a lot, so he's pissed off about it.

The bright side of life: GenCon in less than a month! I am going super simple this year ad bringing only two costumes, which are both functional (ie, I can sit down in them). I was bummed there were no intriguing Star Wars larps this year, but that just means I have more time for other games. Last year (if this is truly possible) I gamed too much....I barely saw the rest of the con. This year I planned half days....half day of gaming, the other half for the con.

September is our 10year anniversary. We are/were planning a big trip to Australia in October. I say "are/were" because I can't pin DH down long enough to talk about it. We're going to wing most of the trip because of the whole standby flying thing. It'd suck to make all these reservations over there and then have to cancel stuff and get delayed because we couldn't get on a flight for two days. I want to, at least, get a game plan going....what things do we want to see? What's on the "must see" list and what's on the "don't bother" list? Australia isn't your weekend trip kind of destination. We'll have two weeks to explore a country the size of our own. We need to narrow things down.

Almost every Australian we've talked to say to skip Ayer's Rock. But, in my mind it's so iconic, how could we miss it? When I hear "Australia", I first think INXS, but then I think of Ayer's Rock. How can one go all the way over there and skip one of the most known symbols of the country? But, as people keep telling us, "It's just a rock."

We're into the following: geology, geography, natural sites, wildlife, museums, history. We can skip food and wine-related tourism, and we're not too much on theater. We're definitely hitting the great barrier reef, we'll probably do that first. One thing I know I have to do on this trip is keep a journal. When we went to London not too long ago we were there for four days and we can't remember what we did most days except for see Stonehenge.

Well, off to work out and then see the chiropractor.
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