Be My Baby - spn_j2_bigbang Art Masterpost

Aug 15, 2014 00:39

Title: Be My Baby
Author: edzeddiebear [Fic post HERE]
Art: padacocking
Pairing: J2
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Angst, past mentions of homophobia

Summary: Some would call Jensen’s move from New York to Texas a midlife crisis if you know, he wasn’t 22. Jensen however, would tell you it was out of necessity. He needed quiet, no distractions and being thousands of miles away would definitely provide all of that. And it would have, if Jared Padalecki, the boy across the street hadn’t been cutting his lawn in all his golden glory. With a deadline to meet, Jensen was determined not to let Jared become a distraction, yet he ends up being just that and then some. And as turned out, they both discover that they’re a little damaged. Who would have thought? But as their relationship continued to progress, could Jensen’s own insecurities be their downfall?

I was the pinch hitter for this really awesome fic, and I got to create two fully rendered pieces for it. Being a bit rusty at the ol' digital art, I'm pretty pleased with how everything worked out!

Warning for mild spoilers in the art, but they are mild. Still, read the fic first!

The first piece comes from the scene where Jared takes Jensen to the clearing, and this was a really nice one to do. I tried to keep the colours warm and bright, with enough of a hint of the grassier area behind them.

[And the edit with the title can be found HERE]

The second piece is based on Jared and Jensen's first kiss on the porch of Jensen's house and this was a trickier one because I'm not used to night scenes, but overall I'm quite pleased with the result!

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