kristypadalecki! *hugs*
Obviously, I'm back. ;)
The weekend was awesome, though I was told I shouldn't only tell the good stuff in order to not lure you into something that does have its downsides, naturally. *gg* Well, I enjoyed it very much, despite my snoring tent mates, it being rather cold at night, a somewhat lame ending and other minor glitches. Whether you want it or not, there will be a more detailed report soonish.*g* I didn't take any pics myself this time, but the others did plenty - we're at something around 2000 right now. Sorting through.
Other than that I had a free day today, which was clever. While it wasn't as exhausting as the last one I just need that extra day to wind down and get back to earth.
Did I mention that I got a massage? Good times.
So, some Calendar walls. As we're already into October I'd say the rest will follow per request. So let me know what else you'd like. :D
Zach, Gemma.
Liv, Ned Kelly.
Ned Kelly in bigger, X-Files.