Wer bin ich hier? Was mach ich hier? Und wofür?

Oct 12, 2005 12:44

A birthday! I love birthdays! Drinks all around!

neverlady! *huggles* I wish you a wonderful day, hon!
A little present:

And speaking of birthdays: I missed epearl's yesterday, so here's a belated present:

The stats
number of written and screwed exams so far: 2 of 3
number of muttered curses today: countless
number of gnats in my room going to meet their fate as soon as I find them: 1
number of annoying supervisors provoking their sudden death by plasticspoon: 1
number of content errors in today's exam: 2
number of spelling errors in today's exam: shocking

number of idiots crawling on the ground of the tram station and throwing empty glass bottles in my direction: 2
number of thrown glass bottles missing their target without the target even having to move: 3 of 3
number of times I was asking myself today what the hell I'm doing here: 2 (first when the damned alarm went off, second time when I looked at the dreaded exam)

A few pics to finish with this post...
something Lost-y:

and since I'm a bit in a King Arthur mood lately... Ioan all around!

wallpapers, ioan gruffudd, pics, lost, king arthur

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