
Dec 23, 2003 11:26

Full Name? Andrea Pearl Botting
Nick Name? Ann, Andria, Bitch, Shorty

1. Last movie you saw in a theater?: the texas chainsaw massacre, stupid! i dont recommend it at all, its not worth the time.
2. What book are you reading now?: cut
3. Favorite Game?: naked twister, baby! yeaa!
4. Favorite Magazine?: cosmo
5. Comfort Food?: twix lol
6. Favorite Sounds? people singing
7. Favorite feeling in the world?: laying in the arms of the one person that you love and falling asleep with them.
8. What's the first thing you think of when you get up in the morning?: ugh, do i have to
9. Favorite fast food place?: is chinease fast food?? if so, noodles
10. Future childs name?: girl - shaniqua, boy - jamal LOL
11. If you had a lot of money you would?: a really nice car, and a new house for my family lol
12. Do you drive fast?: when i get a chance i will
13. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: yea, like 3
14. Storms... Cool or Scary?: awesome
15. What will your first car be?: prolly some lil shitty one, or robs susuki lol shut the hell up kris!
16. Favorite Alcholic Drink?: uh, kuluah mudslide, or strawberry daquari
17. Finish the statement.. You are going to pull...A BONER!! lol i love mrs. harvey!
18. Do you eat the stems of brocolli? i dont like brocolli
19. If you could dye your hair any color what would it be? black w/ pink streaks underneath
20. Glass half empty or full?: half full
21: How many towns have you lived in?: uh, 2 in fl., bangor, brewer, and orrington... 5
22. Favorite place to relax?: in a hot tub or on a big comfy bed with lots and lots of pillows and blankets lol
23. Favorite sport to watch?: football
24. Say one good thing about the person that you took this from: kristin harmon... I LOVE YOU BABY GIRL!! haha
25. What's under your bed?: a lot of useless crap
26. Favorite Song: "hands down" by dashboard confessional, or "Ghost Man on Third" by Taking Back Sunday
27. Drinking Buddies: alise and megan
28. Most Random: megan.. or alise.. or kristin (i really enjoy good charlotte!)
29. boy Craziest: kristin, or amanda
30. Loudest: kristin or kelly
31. Quietest: i have no quiet friends lol.. wait! brett frye!
32. Bravest: uh, not sure.. prolly heather, shes crazy
33. Had the best times with: kristin
34. If you could change anything at any time what would you change?: most of what happened that night at coreys...
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