Dec 22, 2004 05:50
i have never loved someone so much as matt. i didnt even love my ex this much and we were engaged! i dont know what i would do with out him. he really makes me feel better about myself. he always tells me how beautiful he thinks i am and im not used to complaments like that. the only thing that really bugs me is that he doesnt relise how truely great looking he is. he cant see past his own acne witch if he would just keep up on his pills and his face wash they would clear up really well. when ever i try to give him a complament on how he looks he is always like no im not and the he gats mad when i dissagree with what he says. i have always said that if you cant figure out men your thinking to hard but besides the basic shit like food sleep sex, he is one of the most complex men i have ever met and i love that about him. he isnt easy to figure out witch is so kool.its fuckin 602 am and i havent been to sleep yet so i think i should go to bed. ttyl!