My cruel commute

Apr 09, 2010 17:36

So I get to walk to work when I want to. At this distance, it would be silly to pay 1.35 to take the bus, Min gets the car most days, and the bike is in the basement. More on liberating the bike later.

So my commute takes about 20 minutes. This has been constant since the time I lived in Greenville and commuted to Clemson. I paid for the urban lifesytle with increased VMT. The irony of this will not be lost on many of my UPenn peeps.

This week, I've figured out ways to make my commute more "green". How? By reducing the fertility of invasive species.

There's two Canada geese that have taken to puddles in a pen field awaiting an upturn in the commercial real estate market along US 29. Everytime I walk by them, I make it a point to walk towards and by the geese. I love the way the male cricks his neck in fury at my intrusion. Anything to reduce their egg-laying.

I noticed that one of the young Cherry trees along US-29 had the beginnings of a gypsy-moth nest. I won't go into the 1850's "get rich quick" scheme that resulted in their being there, but it sure has been satisfying to find a stick, twist up their nest and throw their wriggling bodies out in the street.

Two little rituals. Childish, asshole acts that don't do much in particular, but could do a lot in general if adopted generally.
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