May 10, 2005 02:57
i read BJ's profile and it said:
"it's personal opinion when it comes to music, this album is honestly one of the worst albums I've ever heard in my life, disgust doesn't even begin to explain how bad I consider it, everything is wrong about this album. The 3 mars volta fans I know agreed 100%, they're not even staying in their same genre of music, they're branching out into a sea of just absolute pretentious garbage that would unsettle the average listener. I'm not looking to be enlightened by Cedric Bixler dickwaving his vocabulary at me for 35 minutes per track. I personally do not get these lyrics, or how anyone can look at them and not roll their eyes directly at it:
"in disguise sideswiped by penance cerecloth sentencing
this scapegrace will pay my barking harangue... are you listening?"
I'm sorry but that is nothing but flowerly retardation from a chunky hipster."
So i double click on the person i think is responsible and reply, this is no ordinary reply, i go into great depth but soon realize that the person i'm responding to is Erin (double A beep beep R-O-N, double A, big A...) so I sez oops and move on, copy, paste into BJ's window and continue
If you know anything about Mars Volta or are curious, read on, if not READ ON DAMN IT (just kidding, you won't get it and it isn't funny)
Paco8812: hey
Paco8812: funnything
Paco8812: get this, i just read your profile and tried to respond and posted a shit ton of stuff about mars volta to someone else
Paco8812: how dare you, mars volta is amazing, their new album is as good as the last one. in concert they carry you on waves of passion from one spacey interlude to the next sharply contrasted by the cutting lyrics and unparalleled drumming. you become lost in their trance only to be dashed on the rocks of the next song. they played for 2.5 hours straight, they did not stop once, there were no breaks between songs. they were like some type of machine always moving with the beauty of the sound
Paco8812: now i understand you are not there to defend yourself but you have no right saying what you did about them, though it is true that frances the mute seems much less accessible and more convoluted, you have to be in the right frame of mind (no not high) you just have to be willing to accept the fact that this is the band you love and they are going to take you on a journey. it may get uncomfortable sometimes but you must trust that they will deliver you safely and you will be all the wiser having seen the world for all it's beauty through the eyes of mars volta
Paco8812: the lyrics are something more than just gibberish, they tell a story, no not in themselves, but as a whole with the guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, and percussion. in concert...oops
Paco8812: haha wrong window
Paco8812: in concert, as they were shifting in and out of songs, bixler would improv and scream but it didn't cut through everything else, his voice was part of the music much how dredg work gaven's voice. on the whole, the concert rounded out my top three concerts. brubeck, mccartney, volta
Paco8812: yeah I'm putting them on a level with the good surviving beatle and the jazz master himself for showmanship and musical prowess. they were so full of energy, they did all their own effects on stage, they didn't stop, they didn't just play their albums, they really did pick you out of the tabernacle and take you to a faraway place where the sky meets the ocean and nothing is how it seems.
Paco8812: also bixler is not "chunky" he and every one else in the band (save the drummer) is very small and thin, save the drummer who is a massive ripped man who has no fear of working his muscles till they are nothing but shredded fragments of what used to be his arms