Jan 30, 2004 15:33
Letting go isn't easy, neither is saying good bye,
But they've got an amazing amount of love, always at their side,
Not just the love of neighbors, family, and friends,
But an eternal, everlasting love, the love that never ends,
As He watched the events unfold, His heart shattered from above,
And from that shattered heart, poured down all of His love,
His love was in every kiss, every hug, and every tear that He saw,
He gave His comfort and peace, to one and all,
They were so strong, but tears fell as they said good-bye,
But there was His love, in every tear that they cried,
Everyone was so sad, to watch him go,
But in everyone's hearts, they said good-bye to a hero,
Not just a man, a husband, or a dad,
But a hero who loved, with all he had,
But they know he's in a better place, in their strength that shows,
As he looks down, he tells the world, "Those are my heros."
A Tribute to Mr. DaSilva *RIP* "A True Hero" and to Roger, Nelson, and Mrs. DaSilva..The hero's left behind...