May 31, 2006 17:11
There is one quote which I have been thinking about a lot lately:
Le plus important ce n'est pas de mentir a soi-meme. - Le Papillion
This quote can be translated into, "The most important thing is not to lie to yourself."
My mind is centered around this quote because there is one major thing which I am afraid to share with everyone. This would contradict everything I have said before now and some people might view me differently. It's not especially important because the statement is way too radical and it doesn't make sense. Basically, in mathematical terms this "problem" I have is a limit: I will never be able to reach that goal even if I try super hard. It just won't work.
It doesn't matter if you have absolutely no clue what I am talking about, I won't bother tell anyone what I mean by this entry anyway. It's complicated. This is all I want people knowing.
LJ is my therapy, strangely, because I'm not talking to a specific person but rather I am talking to bulletin center where I can vent.
By the way, this isn't a BIG problem. It's a very small problem. Similar to a difficult problem on a math test.
In response to Emma's LJ...
My LJ username is my nickname and my birthdate. Paco... I'm not going explain it, it takes too long.