I've heard a rumor that Comcast purchaed TiVo... and I kind of brushed it off... hoping that even if they did that hopefully they wouldn't sqaush TiVo in the process.
Well... it turns out that TiVo is re-doing their pricing. There is no longer a lifetime subcription rate, and all subscription rates are going up... how up I do not know because I have a lifetime on my box.
http://www.tivo.com/cms_static/press_82.html Why is this the death to TiVo? Well... put simply... you can get a TiVo for 20$/month service charge, after paying 100->300$ for the box... or you could wait until Comcast incoporates TiVo as part of their cable DVR which runs like 4$/month... hrmm... buy a big expensive box and then pay 20$/month for a subscription... or get Comcast and pay 4$/month for the same DVR? What a bunch of assholes.