Photography Class...sweeeeet!

Sep 17, 2005 13:36

Well...I've been going to photography class and I really really love it. I'm so
glad that I decided to take it. I've been going to the class for about
two or three weeks and I am wanting more and more. I guess it sounds
stupid, but I wish I had photography class everyday....I don't know, it
just really fascinates me.

My teacher is really awesome, she's a professional photography and has
her own business. She's been doing this for 40 years, so she is really
good. Lately people haven't been showing up to class. Only three of us
have been there consistently everytime. I felt bad for my teacher cause
she kept asking if it was her, if she was a bad teacher...stupid
fucking kids.

I Mrs. Hampton that I wanted to get an Associates Degree in photography
and that I wanted to be serious about it. She was asking everybody if
they were just doing it as a hobby or if they wanted to really be a
photographer. Well, she said to talk to her after class cause she would
lead me in the right direction as to which teachers to take classes
with if I wanted to be good and get the best teaching as possible. So,
she showed me all the classes and teachers and told exactly who I
should take classes from, it was awesome. Then the other day while in
the darkroom we were doing enlargements and making prints for the first
time and it was bad ass. She helped me do the first one and as I was
finishing up developing the print in all the chemicals, her and another
teacher from a photography class saw it and said wow....thats a really
good shot. They asked who took it and I said me and they were both like
great job thats really nicely done. Mrs. Hampton asked me if I was sure
I had never done this before and I was like yeah I'm really sure.

I also asked her on Wednesday how to get started as a professional
photographer and how to get your name out there and all that stuff. So,
she told me that she has a wedding she is doing on October 2nd, and
that if I wanted I could go with her and watch her, and see how you
shoot a wedding. Then her next wedding after this one, I could go alone
again and she would let me shoot the wedding with her, how fucking
awesome is that? Thats bad ass, I hope I'm a really good photographer
and I can have my own business and be successful, thats my dream. I
wanna be a world famous photographer, but I know thats crazy, but hey,
I can dream.

So, next semester I think I'm gonna try and take two classes, maybe
three...that would be fun. I'm already looking forward to going into
Digital Imaging 1 and Intermediate photography. Sorry I'm really sure
none of you give a damn about any of this but I really like it and just
thought I would enlighten all of you whats going on in case you're
wondering but I'm pretty sure you weren't...whatev.

Oh and I forgot to show you guys this...its a photogram, its pretty cool. It's just a bunch of little items from my house that I thought might look cool and creative and so I made a photogram out of them in class as an assignment, and this is what I came up with.

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